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Changes introduced during production affecting the quality of the products

real dateexp datedescription of change

20150605Change of BFAS script comp_gpp_rec_bfas to stop filtering fires in model and use consistent version of climate fields in BFAS and NEE OPT climatology.

20150528Change of FCLENGTH from 72 to 240

20150528Change of BFAS script to filter fires and APF hotspots in the model NEE computation and also change the computation of NEE OPT climatology to filter fires and use an APF hotspot filter.

BUG found in tracer mass fixer producing negative values for CO2 and CH4.

(source of this bug is the use of old code that did not allow Bermejo and Conde with beta=2  resulting from the wrong merging in branch  dism_CY41R1_GHG_LinCO_for_ecgems). Temporary fix done by setting beta parameter NPMFIX=1 (previously set to  2) in gems_setup.

2015092520150924Change the initial conditions to NRT analysis g6cs (20150918 T+144).
2016010220160101Hardcode CO emissions to 2015 in prep_flux
2016011620160115Use new CO emissions from MACCity  at tl1279

Flux updates

real date  expdatedescription of change