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Describes the intermediate grid to which the transform is performed. It may be coincident with the target grid, in which case there isn't a second interpolation and the transform is direct to target grid.


It may be coincident with the target grid, in which case there isn't a second interpolation and the transform is direct to the target grid is direct. For other keywords controlling the interpolation see the diagram below.

Gliffy Diagram

Possible intgrid values are 


Disables any intermediate grid before interpolation, i.e. the transform will go directly to what has been specified with keyword GRID.

Disables any truncation before the transformation


Use of In case a rotation is requested, INTGRID=NONE in combination with the ROTATION keyword is very expensive in resources and is not recommendedis ignored and defaults to INTGRID=AUTO.

AUTOTruncation is An intermediate FULL Gaussian grid is used, derived from the intermediate gridtarget GRID, by looking at the equivalent resolution. This is the default behaviour.


Specifies a Gaussian grid name like F80, O80, N80, N640 etc. (like [FNO][1-9][0-9]*), supported by the MARS client. Specifies the intermediate grid, e.g. O96 for an Octahedral Gaussian with 96 lines between Pole and Equator.

SOURCESets the intermediate grid to Octahedral Gaussian with N=(cubic relation from input truncation)=T+1


Specific truncation to be applied, e.g. TRUNCATION=179 truncates input SH field to T179from input T1279 INTGRID=SOURCE(=O1280)
OFF reserved Reserved MARS value that resets the value inherited, effectively removing the keyword from the request . In this case which then results in intgrid being set to AUTO being applied.


intgrid=F80      # Specifies a full Gaussian grid (with 80 lines between Pole and Equator)
                            # as intermediate grid.


This keyword cannot be specified. Behaviour is the same as the default for MARS, i.e. AUTO.

Excerpt Include
Keywords in MARS and Dissemination requests
Keywords in MARS and Dissemination requests