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The he meteorological forcing data are all the information necessary to produce hydrological simulations.

  • (proxy)Historical hydro- meteorological time series records: they are used to calibrate the hydrological model, and to define the flood thresholds used to derive EFAS most CEMS-Flood products. They For EFAS, they are collected from national agencies and other relevant stakeholders, quality checked and managed by the JRC with contributions from MDCC, HDCC and COMPCEMS Meteorological Data Collection Centre (MDCC). For GloFAS, they are taken from the Copernicus Climate Change ERA5 reanalysis.
  • Real-time hydro- meteorological observations: they are necessary to define the starting points of the hydrological forecasts, also called initial conditions. They   For EFAS, they are collected from national agencies and other relevant stakeholders, quality checked and managed by the EFAS CEMS Meteorological and Hydrological Data Collection Centres (MDCC and HDCC respectively) before being transferred to the EFAS Computation Centre (COMP)Centre (MDCC). For GloFAS, they are taken from the Copernicus Climate Change ERA5 reanalysis. GloFAS uses the unconsolidated C3S ERA5-T reanalysis a proxy meteorological observation until it is available, and the first day of the control member of the ECMWF-ENS forecast. More information is available from CEMS-Flood Meteorological observation maps - Copernicus Emergency Management Service - CEMS - ECMWF Confluence Wiki.
  • Meteorological forecasts: they are used to provide the future meteorological input to the hydrological models. Both deterministic (i.e single realisation from a single numerical weather prediction system) and ensemble (i.e. multiple realisations realizations -also called ensemble members - from a single numerical weather prediction NWP system) forecasts are used in EFASCEMS-Flood, obtained from a range of providers. Different NWPs are used in EFAS and GloFAS, described in each service page: EFAS Meteorological forecasts - Copernicus Emergency Management Service - CEMS - ECMWF Confluence Wiki, and GloFAS meteorological forcings - Copernicus Emergency Management Service - CEMS - ECMWF Confluence Wiki, respectively. The pre-processing of the NWPs data is briefly described in this page.

The land surface data are all the information necessary to set-up and implement the hydrological models.

  • Land surface data: they include land surface information and calibrated model parameters used drive the hydrological model LISFLOOD. They are prepared in advance by COMP, with contribution from the JRCby the CEMS Hydrological Forecast Centre - Computations and by the European Commission Joint Research Centre.

Some of EFAS CEMS-Flood meteorological forcing and land surface data are provided as layers in the EFAS-IS mapviewerand GloFAS-IS mapviewer. An overview is provided in its their dedicated page: EFAS products - Copernicus Emergency Management Service - CEMS - ECMWF Confluence Wiki and GloFAS products - Copernicus Emergency Management Service - CEMS - ECMWF Confluence Wiki.