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The action items below build around four stages of data management from the instrument to data assimilation, models quality assurance and data provision to user community. 

magnifying glass tilted left Section 6: At a Glance

Action D1: Data management life cycle stage 1; from raw instrument data to characterized product acceptable for international data exchange


The measures of success include: 

  • Periodic inspection of national centers (infrastructure, equipment, and standards) by its regional center. 
  • Periodic inspection and renewal of accreditation of regional centers by responsible WMO constituent bodies, namely Standing Committee on Information Management and Technology (SC-IMT) and Standing Committee on Measurements, Instrumentation and Traceability (SC-MINT).  
  • The percentage of data sent from each station, the quality of this data and its contribution to the final products. 
  • Good practices on preparation of raw data for international data exchange are published. 

Action D2: Data management life cycle stage 2; Getting observational data from providers to operational centers for assimilation.


The measures of success include a detailed data architecture design and the efficiency of the data transfer system and its speed, and whether all the required data is made available to all centers with the same efficiency.  

Action D3: Data management life cycle stage 3; Making model output data from operational centers available for intercomparisons


The measure of success is reduction in labor and computational cost/time for model intercomparison activities. 

Action D4: Data management life cycle stage 4; Model data discovery and distribution to end users


The measures of success include: 

  • Number of users who use the data products.  
  • Number of peer-reviewed publications using G3W datasets. 
  • Media presence of G3W datasets. 
  • Number of data products showing up in external discovery catalogs, such as Information Exchange (IE), International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE), and Ocean Data and Information System (ODIS). 

Action D5: Data repository for the prior emission and absorption fluxes


The measures of success include: 

  • Data size estimated. 
  • Reduced data transfer and access costs. 
  • Commitment from a chosen infrastructure obtained. 

Action D6: Definition of prior data providers


The measure of success is a list of criteria for the providers of prior data and set of tool and regulations on how these will be assessed. 

Action D7: Definition of the data policy for the repository of prior fluxes


The measure of success is a public availability of the data policy.