Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

A suite template is provided to demonstrate basic SMS features which can be used as a starting point for suite design.


  • tar -xzvf skull.


  • tgz
  • eventually, start a SMS server:

    > sms_start
  • convention at ECMWF is to attribute a program number according to the formula:

    > prog_num=$((900000 + $(id -u))); echo $prog_


  • num
  • open xcdp, File->Login to: “localhost <prog_num>”

  • play the skull suite into sms:

    > export SMS_PROG=$((900000+$(id -u)))


  • > LOGGER="setenv -i $SMS_PROG; login localhost $USER 1;"


  • > /usr/local/apps/sms/bin/cdp -c "$LOGGER play -r /skull skull.def"


  • skull suite families are

    • make: to open a xterm window from jobs run on local workstation, ecgate, HPC, Linux cluter
    • consumer: to demonstrate the producer-consumer pattern
    • dinner: a resource sharing example through the dinning philosophers example
    • shop: to practice dynamic tasks generation
    • perl, Python: as task template examples that do not use ksh
  • conversion to a text based definition file written by ksh ( is rather straightfoward:

    > make sh is generated to provide useful commands for suites definition ('play' commands) in ksh environment:

    > bin/ sh libgen.


  • sh
    set -eu
    if [[ ${DEBUG_DEF2ECF:=0} != 0 ]] ; then set -eux ; fi
    alias EOF='echo EOF >&


  • 3 '
    alias abort='echo abort >&


  • 3 '
    alias action='echo action 


  • >&


  • 3 '
    alias autocancel='echo autocancel 


  • >&


  • 3 '
    alias automigrate='echo automigrate >&


  • 3 '
    alias autorestore='echo autorestore 


  • >&


  • 3 '
    alias clock='echo clock 


  • >&


  • 3 '
    alias complete='echo complete >&


  • 3 '
    alias cron='echo cron >&


  • 3 '
    alias date='echo date >&


  • 3 '
    alias day='echo day 


  • >&


  • 3 '
    alias defstatus='echo defstatus >&


  • 3 '
    alias edit='echo edit 


  • >&


  • 3 '
    alias endfamily='echo endfamily >&


  • 3 '
    alias endsuite='echo endsuite >&


  • 3 '
    alias endtask='echo endtask >&


  • 3 '
    alias event='echo event >&


  • 3 '
    alias extern='echo extern >&


  • 3 '
    alias family='echo family >&


  • 3 '
    alias inlimit='echo inlimit >&


  • 3 '
    alias label='echo label >&


  • 3 '
    alias late='echo late 


  • >&


  • 3 '
    alias limit='echo limit >&


  • 3 '
    alias meter='echo meter >&


  • 3 '
    alias owner='echo owner >&


  • 3 '
    alias repeat='echo repeat 


  • >&


  • 3 '
    alias suite='echo suite >&


  • 3 '
    alias task='echo task 


  • >&


  • 3 '
    alias text='echo text 


  • >&


  • 3 '
    alias time='echo time >&


  • 3 '
    alias today='echo today >&


  • 3 '
    alias trigger='echo trigger 


  • >&


  • 3 '


  • At this stage,




  • can


  • be


  • manually


  • updated,


  • to


  • replace


  • EOF


  • with


  • exit


  • 0,


  • inhibit


  • the


  • action,


  • automigrate,


  • autorestore,


  • owner


  • commands


  • (which


  • are


  • unavailable


  • in


  • ecFlow).


  • Change


  • the


  • limit,


  • date,


  • time


  • naming,


  • as


  • it


  • interferes


  • with


  • ksh


  • intrinsics.


  • It is possible to transcode most CDP commands into ksh, defining aliases that will print the 'play' command and redirect their output in a dedicated file descriptor:

    > bin/ sh 


  • gen



  • contains


  • the


  • ksh


  • command


  • to


  • create


  • the


  • file


  • descriptor


  • 3:


  • > exec 3> expanded.tmp

    SMS .def definition files may be updated to facilitate such transcoding (#CONV tags into *.def files):

    • commands can be split into multiline commands to simplify mathematical expressions incompatible commands (owner, autorestore, automigrate, action) can be removed or set as a comment

    • multiline triggers changed into one line commands

    • the heavy use of aliases can lead to confused transcoding

    • CDP is known to be “tolerant”: for example, an unboumded endin command is transparent to CDP, but it would mislead the transcoder.

    • for CDP, commands accept minimum significant string for options; they should be replace with their unambiguous version:

      > # CDP: repeat int iter 1 $life_expectency


    • > repeat integer iter 1 $life_


    • expectency
    • through its simplicity, the CDP language was a way to keep away from complex code. Once left behind, it is each suite designers responsibility to stick to simple manageable, portable and maintainable code.

    • beware homonyms: such as date, time, limit

    This demonstrates the feasibility, for a simple suite. Past experience shows it is not as easy when considering a more complex suite design.

    The suite definition is then expanded, as a file sh/expanded.tmp:

    > bin/ sh 


  • expand


    > cd sh; ksh skull.


  • sh
  • the suite can be played locally and expanded for comparison:

    > /usr/local/apps/sms/bin/cdp -c "play -l skull.def; show 


  • > expand.cdp"


  • > kompare expand.cdp sh/expand.tmp


  • > kompare skull.def  sh/skull.


  • sh
  • it can then be loaded into SMS:

    > /usr/local/apps/sms/bin/cdp -c "LOGGER play -r /skull sh/expanded.tmp"


  • apply the command begin and resume with XCdp or CDP

  • We can then start ecFlow server, if not already done:

    > use ecflow
    > export ECF_PORT=$((20000+$(id -u)))


  • > mkdir ecf &


  • &


  •  cd ecf


  • > ecflow_


  • server
  • expanded suite can be loaded into ecFlow:

    > cd ..


  • > ecflow_client --load


  • =sh/expanded.


  • tmp
  • once loaded, it can be replaced with:

    > ecflow_client --replace


  • =/skull sh/expanded.


  • tmp
  • commands begin and resume can be applied on the console or with ecflowview:

    > ecflow_client --begin


  • =/skull


  • > ecflow_client --resume


  • =/skull


  • > ecflow_client --resume


  • =/skull/skull /skull/perl /skull/


  • python
  • in this example, it is enough to link task wrappers from the original name .sms to the expected name .ecf.

    Alternatively, ECF_EXTN variable may be defined, as .sms on the top node.

  • smsfiles/passby.sms task wrapper has been updated to be compatible in both modes.

  • smsfiles/perl.sms and smsfiles/python.sms call an intermediate function to access the meter child command: call_meter

  • in the directory include: trap.h, perl_header.h,


  • python_header.h,


  • endt.h,


  • were


  • modified


  • to


  • enable


  • ecFlow


  • mode.


  • include/inc_ecf.


  • h was


  • added


  • and


  • included


  • from


  • trap.h


  • to


  • add


  • new


  • expected


  • variables,


  • when




  • variable


  • is


  • not


  • 0.


  • it may be an interesting exercise to transform into Python code the file skull.def and the related families defined in their dedicated definition files. The script ./bin/


  • can


  • be


  • used


  • to


  • produce


  • a


  • transcoded


  • file.


  • Careful


  • attention


  • is


  • required


  • to


  • fix


  • the


  • transcoder


  • mistakes


  • and


  • obtain


  • a


  • script


  • that


  • can


  • be


  • parsed


  • with


  • Python.


  • Then


  • a


  • script


  • that


  • can


  • be


  • loaded


  • as


  • a


  • proper


  • suite


  • into


  • SMS,


  • or


  • ecFlow.


    • pydef_example/


    • is


    • a


    • Python


    • library


    • used


    • to


    • maintain


    • a


    • definition


    • file


    • syntax


    • close


    • to CDP’s.
    • the transcoded file has to be checked for all dollar variables
    • all CDP functions parameters are transcoded incorrectly: $1, $2 ... They can be transformed into named arguments, with a default value when needed.
    • the definition tree is created adding the lines