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This document describes the main steps in moving from as an SMS system to a suite managed by an ecFlow server. Related documentation for each system can be found here:

Multiple migration scenarios are available


, from migrating everything in one big step to  modifying definition files and header files to allow suites to run under both SMS or ecFlow.  This is the strategy we adopted as it allowed us to test SMS and ecFlow suites in parallel.

The steps for migration are described in the following pages:

  • Modify task wrapper files
  • Upgrade header files
  • Write a suite definition describing the expected suite.

    For SMS, the play environment keywords available are (CDP>man -s play):

    EOF          abort        action       autocancel   automigrate  autorestore
    clock        complete     cron         date         day          defstatus
    edit         endfamily    endsuite     endtask      event        extern
    family       inlimit      label        late         limit        meter
    owner        repeat       suite        task         text         time
    today        trigger

    For ecFlow this list is slightly smaller:

    clock        complete     cron         date         day          defstatus
    edit         endfamily    endsuite     endtask      event        extern
    family       inlimit      label        late         limit        meter
                 repeat       suite        task                      time
    today        trigger

Next comes the task wrappers definition. Again, there is no right way to do this. It is simple to design a task whose language is pure python or pure perl. We tend to use use Ksh scripting for task templates for the following reasons:

  • trap ERROR 0: to prevent early exit from the script and call the ERROR if exited
  • set -e: to raise an error if a command exit status is not 0
  • set -u: to prevent undefined variable usage
  • set -x: to display each command before execution
  • PS4 variable: to allow time stamping and evaluate each lines runtime
  • trap: to redirect internal/external signal reception to an ERROR function

Task headers can be used to make common what can be shared among multiple tasks (head.h, tail.h, trap.h, rcp.h, qsub.h).


another migration strategy is a one step migration: this document can be used as a check-list. However, it may not be exhaustive and may be enriched with your contribution, reporting a case not mentioned.


a frequent migration strategy may be to evolve to a situation where it is possible to run a suite under both SMS or ecFlow.

Milestone are:


Embedded software may have migration concerns if they use SMS client command to communicate with tasks.:

  • In our case the IFS model calls


  • to call smsevent, smsmeter,  These can
  • our archive system MARS transmits information to sms using smslabel, smsevent.
  • hopefully, these calls are through a system commands. However SMS extensions, linked with the sms library, are obsolete with ecFlow and cannot be simply migrated.


When both SMS/ecFlow systems have to run in parellel, we have to decide what is part of the suite configuration (user side), and what is part of the system responsibility.


On the system side:

  • smssubmit, smskill, smsstatus: have to decide if the same script can be used, if


  • the name has to be changed or if we take this opportunity to modify their behaviour.
  • child command calls (smsinit, smscomplete, smsabort ...) can be intercepted by changing the PATH variable in order to use the same shell scripts that can call an SMS child command if SMS_PROG is part of the environment or an ecFlow child command when ECF_PORT is defined and not null.
  • When the link between a job and its parent server cannot be established, the file $HOME/.smshostfile is used by child commands to identify potential backup servers to contact (network zombie). It has to be decided if the ecFlow servers deployment needs to match exactly what was chosen for SMS.