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This icon runs the FLEXTRA trajectory model.

The macro language equivalent is flextra_run(). 


From Macro/Python the icon can be called as flextra_run().


A tutorial about using FLEXTRA in Metview can be found here.

What is FLEXTRA?

FLEXTRA is an atmospheric trajectory model used by a wide scientific community. It can be driven by meteorological input data from a variety of global and regional models including ECMWF analyses and forecasts.

FLEXTRA can compute both forward and backward trajectories using various trajectory types such as: three-dimensional, model level, mixing layer, isobaric and isentropic trajectories. Trajectory computations can be carried out in the three different modes. These are as follows:

  • In NORMAL mode, a group of trajectories is specified starting from the same point but at different times. Several starting points (thus several groups of trajectories) can be defined for a single FLEXTRA run.
  • In CET mode, trajectories are generated starting from the points of a user-defined uniform grid in a three-dimensional domain.
  • In FLIGHT mode, both the starting location and starting time for each trajectory can be set individually. This mode is useful to calculate e.g. trajectories released along the flight track of an aircraft

    Visit the FLEXTRA interface page to find out details about how FLEXTRA is used in Metview. A FLEXTRA-related tutorial can be found here.

    The FLEXTRA Run Editor


    Flextra Exe Path



    a user defined FLEXTRA executable. Both


    absolute and relative path can be given here.


    If it is left blank (this is the default) Metview will use the MV_FLEXTRA_EXE environment variable to locate the executable.



    Input Mode

    Specifies how the input data path is specified. The possible values are path and icon. When it is set to path we will specify the input data files and the AVAILABLE file by their paths. While in icon mode the input data is specified by a FLEXTRA Prepare icon in FLEXTRA Flextra Input Data. The default value is path.


    Flextra Input Data

    Specifies the location of the input data files using a FLEXTRA Prepare icon.

    Flextra Run Label

    Specifies the FLEXTRA


    run label. The default value is: "FLEXTRA RUN".

    Flextra Input Path

    Specifies the location of the input data files. Both an absolute and relative path can be given here. Enabled when FLEXTRA Flextra Input Mode is path.


    Flextra Available File Path

    Specifies the location of the AVAILABLE file using. The default is SAME_AS_INPUT_PATH, which mean means that the AVAILABLE file is located in the same directory as the input data. Enabled when FLEXTRA Flextra Input Mode is path.


    Flextra Run Mode

    Specifies the run mode for the FLEXTRA simulation.  THe The possible values are as follows:

    • In normal mode, a group of trajectories is specified starting from the same point but at different times. Several starting points (thus several groups of trajectories) can be defined for a single FLEXTRA run.
    • In cet mode, trajectories are generated starting from the points of a user-defined uniform grid in a three-dimensional domain.
    • In filight flight mode, both the starting location and starting time for each trajectory can be set individually. This mode is useful to calculate e.g. trajectories released along the flight track of an aircraft.

    The default value is normal.

    Flextra Trajectory Direction

    Specifies the FLEXTRA simulation direction in time. The possible values are: Forward forward and Backward backward. The default value is Forward forward.

    Flextra Trajectory Length

    Specifies the length of the FLEXTRA simulation. The format is HHH[:MM[:SS]. The default value is: 48 (i.e. 48 hours).

    Flextra First Starting Date

    Specifies the start date of the period whiten within which the trajectories will be released.

    Flextra First Starting Time

    Specifies the start time of the period whiten which the trajectories will be released.

    Flextra Last Starting Date

    Specifies the end date of the period whiten which the trajectories will be released.

    Flextra Last Starting Time

    Specifies the end time of the period whiten which the trajectories will be released.

    Flextra Starting Time Interval

    Specifies the starting interval of trajectories within the starting period.

    Flextra Output Interval Mode

    Specifies how the output data (i.e. trajectory waypoints) will be written out.

    Flextra Output Interval Value

    Specifies the value used to write the  output data (i.e. trajectory waypoints) out.


    Flextra Normal Types




    Flextra Normal Names




    Flextra Normal Latitudes




    Flextra Normal Longitudes




    Flextra Normal Levels




    Flextra Normal Level Units



    User Exe Path

    Specifies a user defined FLEXTRA executable. Both absolute and relative path can be given here. If it is left blank (this is the default) Metview will use the MV_FLEXTRA_EXE environment variable to locate the executable.

    User Resources Path

    Specifies the location of the user defined parameter files (IGBP_int1.dat, OH_7lev_agl.dat, surfdata.t, surfdepo.t ) needed to run FLEXTRA. Both an absolute and relative path can be given here. If it is left blank (this is the default) Metview will use the MV_FLEXTRA_RESOURCES environment variable to locate the resources. For further details about the resources click here.

    Simulation Direction

    Specifies the FLEXTRA simulation direction in time. The possible values are: Forward and Backward. The default value is Forward.

    Starting Date

    Specifies the beginning date of the simulation in YYYYMMDD formatEnabled when Flextra Run Mode is set to normal or cet. The format is YYYYMMDDRelative dates are allowed: e.g. -1 means yesterday, 0 means today, etc.    

    Flextra First Starting Time

    Specifies the


    start time of


    the period within which the trajectories will be released. Enabled when Flextra Run Mode is set to normal or cet. The format is HH[:MM[:SS







    Flextra Last Starting Date

    Specifies the ending end date of the simulation in YYYYMMDD format.  the period within which the trajectories will be released. Enabled when Flextra Run Mode is set to normal or cet. The format is YYYYMMDD.  Relative dates are allowed: e.g. -1 means yesterday, 0 means today, etc.   


    Flextra Last Starting Time

    Specifies the


    end time of


    the period within which the trajectories will be released. Enabled when Flextra Run Mode is set to normal or cet.  The format is HH[:MM[:SS






    Flextra Starting Time Interval


    Specifies the


    starting interval of trajectories within the starting period. Enabled when Flextra Run Mode is set to normal or cet. The format is




    . The default value is


    : 6 (i.e. 6 hours).

    Flextra Output


    Interval Mode



    Output Sampling Rate


    how the output data (i.e. trajectory waypoints) will be written out into the output file. It can have three values:

    • original: The trajectory points are written out into the output file exactly at the computational time steps. In the FLEXTRA terminology these are called flexible time steps.
    • interval: The trajectory points are written out into the output file at regular intervals specified by parameter Flextra Output Interval Value. In the FLEXTRA terminology these are called constant time steps.
    • both: Two output files will be generated: one for the flexible time steps and one for the constant time steps.

    The default value is interval.

    Flextra Output Interval Value

    Specifies the output frequency when Flextra Output Interval Mode is set to interval or both. The format is HHH[:MM[:SS


    ]. The default value is


    3, which means 3 hourly output.

    Flextra Normal Types


    Specifies the


    list of trajectory types as numerical IDs when Flextra Run Mode is set to normal. The possible values are as follows:


    for forward simulations:

    • none (no gridded output)
    • conc (concentration)
    • mixr (mass mixing ratio)
    • both (concentration and mass mixing ratio)

    for backward simulations:

    • none (no gridded output)
    • rtime (residence time/response function)

    The default value is conc. For more details about gridded output click here.

    Output Flux

    Specifies if the fluxes should be computed and written out as a gridded output (on or off). Fluxes corresponding to northward, southward, eastward, westward, upward and downward directions are calculated for each grid cell of the output grid.The control surfaces are placed in the middle of each output grid cell. The default value is off. For more details about flux output click here.

    Output Trajectory

    Specifies if the plume trajectories should be computed (on or off). The default value is off.  For more details about trajectory output click here.

    Output Area

    Specifies the area for the gridded output in degrees in S/W/N/E format. The default value is  -90/-180/90/180.

    Output Grid

    Specifies the grid resolution for the gridded output in degrees as east_west_resolution/north_south_resolution. The default value is 1/1

    Output Levels

    Specifies the list of height levels of the gridded output. The levels are given in metres units. The default value is an empty list.

    User Species Path

    Specifies the location of the user defined species files. Both an absolute and relative path can be given here. If it is left blank (this is the default value) Metview will use the MV_FLEXTRA_SPECIES environment variable to locate the species. For more details about the species click here.

    Release Species

    Specifies the list of the species released for the simulation. At all the release locations the same species are emitted. The species are identified by the NNN number (with leading zeros) appearing in the the name of the SPECIES_NNN files. These files contain the physical and chemical properties of species. For more details about the species click here.

    Release Units

    Specifies the units of the mass of the released species. The possible options are mass and mixr. The default value is mass. See the table below to find out what the actual units mean.

    for forward simulations:


    for backward simulations:



    Specifies the releases as a group of FLEXTRA Release icons. 

    Receptor units

    Specifies the concentration units at the receptor. The possible options are mass (mass concentrations) and mixr (mass mixing ratio). The default value is mass. See the table above to find out what the actual units mean.


    Enables the usage of receptor sites (on or off). When it is enabled the list of receptor sites can be defined via Receptor Names, Receptor Latitudes and Receptor Longitude. The default value is off. For more details about receptor output click here.

    Receptor Names

    Specifies the list of receptor site names.The default value is an empty list.

    Receptor Latitudes

    Specifies the list of receptor site latitudes. The default value is an empty list.

    Receptors Longitudes

    Specifies the list of receptor site longitudes. The default value is an empty list.

    Age Classes

    Specifies the list of times for the age class calculation. If it is left blank (this is the default value) no age class is defined.  

    Particle Splitting

    Specifies the interval for particle splitting in HHHH[:MM[:SS]] format. Each particle is split into two after travelling the multiple of this interval. If 0 (default value) is given here particle splitting is disabled.

    Sync Interval

    All processes are synchronized with this time interval, therefore, all other time constants must be multiples of this value. Output interval and Output Averaging Interval must be at least twice of this value. The default value is 900.


    Specifies the factor by which the time step must be smaller than the Lagrangian time scale (TL). CTL must be >1 for time steps shorter than the Lagrangian time scale. If CTL<0, a purely random walk simulation is done. The default value -4.

    Vertical Timestep Reduction

    Specifies the reduction factor (as an integer) for the time step used for vertical wind. The default value is 4.

    Subgrid Terrain

    Enables subgridscale terrain parametrization (increase of mixing heights due to subgridscale orographic variations) (on or off). The default value is off.


    Enables convection parametrization (on or off). The default value is off.

    Output For Each Release

    Specifies whether a separate output fields should be generated for each release (on or off). When this option is set to off for forward simulations the output fields for a given species contain the sum of all the releases. For backward simulations it must be set to on. The default value is off.

    Quasi Lagrangian

    Specifies whether particles should be numbered individually (on) or identified by the release location number (off). The default value is off.

    Domain Fill

    Enables the domain fill mode. The possible values are as follows:

    • none: domain fill is disabled
    • full: in this mode the the particles are not released at specific locations but the 3D-volume of the first release is taken and the particles are uniformly distributed in the volume proportionally to air density. Each particle will receive the same mass, altogether accounting for the total atmospheric mass. Subsequently, particles can move freely in the atmosphere.
    • o3_tracer: in this mode domain-filling is to simulate a stratospheric ozone tracer. This option is similar to fill option, but only particles in the stratosphere (defined by PV < 2 pvu) are released.

    The default value is none.


    Enables computing sensitivity to initial conditions in backward simulations. The possible values are none, mass (mass concentration units) or mixr (mass mixing ratio units). The default value is none.

    The ODB Filter Editor

    ODB Filename

    Specifies the path to the input ODB

    ODB Data

    Specifies the input ODB as an icon. If both an icon (in ODB Data) and a filename (in ODB Filename) are specified the icon takes precedence.

    ODB Query

    Specifies the ODB/SQL query to run.

    ODB NB Rows

    Specifies the maximum number of rows in the result. If -1 is given here the number of rows is not limited in the output. The default value is -1.

    Fail On Empty Output


    Numerical IDDescription
    13 dimensional
    2model level
    3mixing layer

    The default value is 1 (three-dimensional trajectories).

    Flextra Normal Names

    Specifies the trajectory names when Flextra Run Mode is set to normal.

    Flextra Normal Latitudes

    Specifies the latitudes of the trajectory start points when Flextra Run Mode is set to normal.

    Flextra Normal Longitudes

    Specifies the longitudes of the trajectory start points when Flextra Run Mode is set to normal.

    Flextra Normal Levels

    Specifies the levels of the trajectory start points when Flextra Run Mode is set to normal.

    Flextra Normal Level Units

    Specifies the level types (as numerical IDs) of the trajectory start points when Flextra Run Mode is set to normal. The possible values are as follows:

    Numerical IDDescription
    1Metres above sea level
    2Metres above ground level

    The default value is 1 (metres above sea level).

    Flextra Cet Types

    Specifies the list of trajectory type as numerical IDs or strings when Flextra Run Mode is set to cet. The possible values are as follows:

    Numerical IDString (case insensitive)
    2model level

    The default value is 1 (three-dimensional trajectories).

    Flextra Cet Name

    Specifies the trajectory name when Flextra Run Mode is set to cet.

    Flextra Cet Area

    Specify the geographical area of the start grid by a S/W/N/E list.

    Flextra Cet Dx

    Specifies the start grid resolution in West-East direction in degrees when Flextra Run Mode is set to cet. The default value is 1.

    Flextra Cet  Dy

    Specifies the start grid resolution in South-North direction in degrees when Flextra Run Mode is set to cet. The default value is 1.

    Flextra Cet Top Level

    Specifies the top level of the start grid volume when Flextra Run Mode is set to cet. The default value is 1.

    Flextra Cet Bottom Level

    Specifies the bottom level of the start grid when Flextra Run Mode is set to cet. The default value is 1.

    Flextra Cet  Dz

    Specifies the start grid vertical resolution when Flextra Run Mode is set to cet. The default value is 1

    Flextra Cet Level Units

    Specifies the level types (as numerical IDs or strings) of the start grid when Flextra Run Mode is set to cet. The possible values are as follows:

    Numerical IDString (case insensitive)Description
    1metres aslMetres above sea level
    2metres aglMetres above ground level

    The default value is 1 (metres above sea level).

    Flextra Flight Types

    Specifies the list of trajectory types as numerical IDs or strings when Flextra Run Mode is set to flight. The possible values are as follows:

    Numerical IDString (case insensitive)
    2model level

    The default value is 1 (three-dimensional trajectories).

    Flextra Flight Name

    Specifies the trajectory name when Flextra Run Mode is set to flight.

    Flextra Flight Latitudes

    Specifies the latitudes of the trajectory start points when Flextra Run Mode is set to flight.

    Flextra Flight Longitudes

    Specifies the longitudes of the trajectory start points when Flextra Run Mode is set to flight.

    Flextra Flight Levels

    Specifies the levels of the trajectory start points when Flextra Run Mode is set to flight.

    Flextra Flight Level Units

    Specifies the level types (as numerical IDs or strings) of the trajectory start points when Flextra Run Mode is set to flight. The possible values are as follows

    Numerical IDString (case insensitive)Description
    1metres aslMetres above sea level
    2metres aglMetres above ground level

    The default value is 1 (metres above sea level).

    Flextra Flight Starting Dates

    Specifies the starting dates of the trajectories when Flextra Run Mode is set to flight. The format is YYYYMMDD.Relative dates are allowed: e.g. -1 means yesterday, 0 means today, etc. 

    Flextra Flight Starting Times

    Specifies the starting times of the trajectories when Flextra Run Mode is set to flight. The format is HH[:MM[:SS].

    Flextra Interpolation Type

    Specifies the interpolation type. The possible values are as follows:

    • horizontal interpolation bicubic
    • vertical interpolation polynomial
    • temporal interpolation linear
    • horizontal interpolation bilinear         
    • vertical interpolation linear
    • temporal interpolation linear

    The default value is 1.

    Flextra Cfl Spatial

    Specifies the factor by which the time step must be smaller than that determined from the CFL criterion.  This factor must be >1! The default value is.  2.0.

    Flextra Cfl Temporal

    Specifies the factor by which the time step must be smaller than the time interval of the wind fields. This factor must be >1! The default value is 2.0.