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An ECMWF web account is required to post on the forums. If you do not have an ECMWF userid, it is simple and quick to register via the ECMWF website here: 

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titleLog in or register to post on the Forecast User Forum

Search forum for topics

Before creating a new topic/post on the forum, it is best to search for related topics and join any existing relevant discussions. This allows for more ongoing discussion rather than creating many similar topics and fragmenting the conversations. Forum visitors are able to comment on all sections of the forum, and can create new topics/posts for discussion in the current and recent weather and events and training sections. 


To start a new post/topic click the 'New Topic' button at the top of the section. 

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This will create a blank page (example below). The first line should be a short title for your new discussion topic, then type the rest of your comment or question in the blank space below. 

On the right above the title of your discussion topic, you will notice a 'label' button (highlighted in red below)  - this can be used to add keywords to your post/topic such as convection tropical cyclone / UEF2021:

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The buttons at the top of the page can be used to format the text, much like any word processor. Images and attachments can also be added. Click 'publish' at the bottom of the page when you have finished creating your new topic, to post it to the forum. 

Comment on an existing topic 
