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Shared with

  • Nir, Paolo, VH, Greg, WMO-Internal


  • Discuss updates as of and ongoing work. Agree on G3W Q3 Top priority: the Teams' formation.

Supporting Material

  • Bin's table of GHG data providers word-file link.
  • Presentation from Oksana and Bin on GHG governance & observations techniques
    View file
    nameGHG intergovernmental mechanisms.pptx
    View file
    nameGHG obs - Techniques & Measurement.pptx

Discussion items

GGMTOxana Tarasova 
  • August 5-9 Meeting. Around 70 participants onsite and 50 online
  • Brazil Science & Education Minister and INPE Director participated.
  • COP30 Connections are welcome to be established via Luciana Gatti
  • GGMT India or South-Africa are SAG proposed destinations have to send proposals to the GAW SAG to be considered as the locations for next meeting
  • GGMT was Technical focus meeting.  Share-drive will be provided by Oksana.  Presentations will be made available online at 22nd WMO/IAEA Meeting on Carbon Dioxide, Other Greenhouse Gases, and Related Tracers Measurement Techniques (GGMT-2024) | World Meteorological Organization
  • G3W Table for compatibility goals covers GAW application (climatology) and the one for operational applications should be independent from GAWdeveloped independently
  • GGMT will revise Chapter 16/17 of the recommendation of GAW in the context of the network design, attach it to RRR
  • Guidance GGMT recommendations on stable isotope isotopes is to be updated (Guidelines were published by IEAE Measurement of the Stable Carbon Isotope Ratio in Atmospheric CH4 Using Laser Spectroscopy for CH4 Source Characterization | IAEA).
  • COS and Radon measurements discussions to be updatedincluded.
  • iCO2 Conference ICDC (International Carbon Dioxide Conference) is proposed to become biannual.
  • Survey/Mapping on who does OSSEs for Network Design is important (G3W Modelling TT)
  • Oksana Tarasova to share the presentations and the paper on OSSEs . Check if requirements of the Indian OSSEs are useful for G3W(Designing surface CO2 monitoring network to constrain the Indian land fluxes - ScienceDirect). 
  • Actions: Recommendations on GAW Technical Report recommendations
  • Actions: GAW Research community measurements techniques.
  • Actions: Exhibitions of GHGs measurements providers.
  • Joshua Campbell present as HMEI to connect on RRR and help define fit for purpose sensors
  • Low-cost sensors require a joint effort from
    • Research-grade cost reducing over time
    • Industry-grade precision upgrading over time
  • Picarro, Miro-Bruker, Li-Cor, ABB-Group-Los-Gatos
  • Empa - glatec - MiroBruker
  • There is appetite on Network design 

ProjectsOxana Tarasova 
  • BAMBOO potential to demo AIRIS AERIS sensors has 6 stations: 6 instruments, 2 locations
    • Half a year of data. Trasported CO2.
    • CO C14 COS CO2 measured on the sites.
    • October meeting relevant for G3W
  • ICOS-Cities partner from SI. Barcelona  : WMO is a partner. There is a planning of the meeting in Barcelona in November for the ICOS-cities stakeholders.
    • 7-10 April 2025 Urban GHG C1 book together with IG3IS. ICOS Cities.
    • Global Urban GHG work. 2025 
    • Action: IPCC urban reports 
    • Jocelyne already engaged as national national expert with the IPCC

G3W IP itemsBin Qu 
  • G3W deliver in the next 2-4 years will builds on 
    • Data-access as the foundation of G3W
    • Operational-vocation as the distinction element of G3W
  • G3W technical expertise is clustered 
    • Guidance on insitu data requirements (G3W-Network)
    • Mechanisms of data exchange (G3W-Data)
    • Methods for data integration (G3W-Modelling)
  • G3W R2O transition will need 4-levels of activities 
    • Compliance level via WIGOS Manual
    • Governance level via WMO-INFCOM/SERCOM
    • Competence-based training via GAW/WMO 
    • Financial level via WMO-RMS
  • G3W frameworks will need 2-areas 
    • Technical Regulatory Framework
    • Strategic Engagement Framework
  • G3W mapping of existing Observations

G3W Comms

Somyung Yeo 
Victor André

  • G3W Website ready for deploymentdeployment 
  • Podcast from G3W is proposed to extent beyond the Secretariat with VH/Greg
  • G3W website on WMO
  • G3W task-teams 

Action items

  • -teams with profile will feature on the website

G3W Connect
  • Gp presented at IPCC-TFI-NGHGI meeting in Ispra, see 2024-07-11 JRC-IPCC-TFI-NGHGI Ispra see at this link.
  • Gp interacted with the CEOS-GHG-Task-Team led by Yasjika Majer at ESA and shared the latest CEOS GHG Roadmap at this link.
  • Gp to oversee G3W TT formation with Paolo, Greg, VH.
  • Gp to liaise with Chris to propose extended membership 
  • Gp preparing from COP29 


Oxana Tarasova  and G3W-AG 

  • AG-G3W Team meeting will be every 14-days Bin Qu 
  • TT-G3W-Networks: need the network design (Prabir Patra leading, meeting on  )
  • TT-G3W-Modelling: need to develop the technical framework, WIPPS Manual, Requirements to Centres for accreditation (Lesley Ott NASA) meeting to be organised.
  • TT-G3W-Data: need to develop the data exchange on WIS2 meeting on finalised the Terms of References (Laurence Rouil ECMWF)
  • TT-RB-R2O Terms of Reference being drafted (Chair TBD in October meeting) a main point is avoid unnecessary duplications. 
  • IG3IS will uptake deliverables of G3W IP on Capacity Building
  • CEOS is important representation for organising Space Data. GHG-Team WG-Climate.
  • Paolo suggested Gantt chart will be useful to cross-coordinate among TTs, RBs.

Action items

  •  Share the notes from this meeting with Vincent-Henri Peuch & Greg Carmichael
  •  Share the AG-G3W candidates file with VH & Greg excel-file link (working file)
  •  Share the Presentations from Oksana and Bin on GHG Governance and GHG Observations
  •  Share the latest clean ToRs of the G3W-Task Team memberships with AG and TT-Chairs
  •  Share a Table of GHGs sources from Bin