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Shared with

  • Nir, Paolo, VH, Greg, WMO-Internal


  • Discuss updates as of and ongoing work. Agree on G3W Q3 Top priority: the Teams' formation.

Supporting Material

  • Bin's table of GHG data providers word-file link.
  • Presentation from Oksana and Bin on GHG governance & observations techniques
    View file
    nameGHG intergovernmental mechanisms.pptx
    View file
    nameGHG obs - Techniques & Measurement.pptx

Discussion items

GGMTOxana Tarasova 

ProjectsOxana Tarasova 
  • BAMBOO potential to demo AERIS sensors: 6 instruments, 2 locations. 
    • Half a year of data. Trasported CO2.
    • CO C14 COS CO2 measured on the sites.
    • October meeting relevant for G3W
  • ICOS-Cities : WMO is a partner. There is a planning of the meeting in Barcelona in November for the ICOS-cities stakeholders.
    • 7-10 April 2025 Urban GHG C1 book together with IG3IS. ICOS Cities.
    • Global Urban GHG work. 2025 
    • Action: IPCC urban reports 
    • Jocelyne already engaged as national expert with the IPCC

G3W IP itemsBin Qu 
  • G3W deliver in the next 2-4 years will builds on 
    • Data-access as the foundation of G3W
    • Operational-vocation as the distinction element of G3W
  • G3W technical expertise is clustered 
    • Guidance on insitu data requirements (G3W-Network)
    • Mechanisms of data exchange (G3W-Data)
    • Methods for data integration (G3W-Modelling)
  • G3W R2O transition will need 4-levels of activities 
    • Compliance level via WIGOS Manual
    • Governance level via WMO-INFCOM/SERCOM
    • Competence-based training
    • Financial level via WMO-RMS
  • G3W frameworks will need 2-areas 
    • Technical Regulatory Framework
    • Strategic Engagement Framework
  • G3W mapping of existing Observations

G3W Comms

Somyung Yeo 
Victor André

  • G3W Website ready for deploymentdeployment 
  • Podcast from G3W is proposed to extent beyond the Secretariat with VH/Greg
  • G3W website on WMO
  • G3W task-teams -teams with profile will feature on the website

G3W Connect
  • Gp presented at IPCC-TFI-NGHGI meeting in Ispra, see 2024-07-11 JRC-IPCC-TFI-NGHGI Ispra see at this link.
  • Gp interacted with the CEOS-GHG-Task-Team led by Yasjika Majer at ESA and shared the latest CEOS GHG Roadmap at this link.
  • Gp to oversee G3W TT formation with Paolo, Greg, VH.
  • Gp to liaise with Chris to propose extended membership 
  • Gp preparing from COP29 


Oxana Tarasova  and G3W-AG 

  • AG-G3W Team meeting will be every 14-days Bin Qu 
  • TT-G3W-Networks: need the network design (Prabir Patra leading, meeting on  )
  • TT-G3W-Modelling: need to develop the technical framework, WIPPS Manual, Requirements to Centres for accreditation (Lesley Ott NASA) meeting to be organised.
  • TT-G3W-Data: need to develop the data exchange on WIS2 meeting on finalised the Terms of References (Laurence Rouil ECMWF)
  • TT-RB-R2O Terms of Reference being drafted (Chair TBD in October meeting) a main point is avoid unnecessary duplications. 
  • IG3IS will uptake deliverables of G3W IP on Capacity Building
  • CEOS is important representation for organising Space Data. GHG-Team WG-Climate.
  • Paolo suggested Gantt chart will be useful to cross-coordinate among TTs, RBs.

Action items

  •  Share the notes from this meeting with Vincent-Henri Peuch & Greg Carmichael
  •  Share the AG-G3W candidates file with VH & Greg excel-file link (working file)
  •  Share the Presentations from Oksana and Bin on GHG Governance and GHG Observations
  •  Share the latest clean ToRs of the G3W-Task Team memberships with AG and TT-Chairs
  •  Prepare Share a Table of GHGs sources from Bin