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FG departures of for 2D-OI (2m temperature, relative humidity and snow depth analysis) are calculated at in fg2obs.F90. At first, observations are sorted by OBS_RAWTABLE(jpraw_refcoord, jtotal) based on latitude and longitude (prepared at in scan_cma_odb.F90).

Code Block
            izlat = int( zlat * 100.0_JPRB)
            izlon = int( zlon * 100.0_JPRB)
            i_refcoord = sign(1,izlat) * (abs(izlat) * 100000 + izlon)
            OBS_RAWTABLE(jpraw_refcoord, jtotal) =&
              &sign(1,i_refcoord) * (abs(i_refcoord) +&
              &1 * 0.01_JPRB)


The observations should be sorted in ascending order by latitude because FG departures are calculated in turn from the south pole to the north pole by the following code.


However, latitude is rounded down to the second decimal place when OBS_RAWTABLE(jpraw_refcoord, jtotal) is calculated. As a resultsresult, the indexes indices are sometimes not in ascending order precisely and the FG departures are not calculated from surrounded 4 model grids. The following table shows the an example. ZOBSLAT should be at the latitude between ALAT(jlatN) and ALAT(jlatS) but it is not there (at the south side of ALAT(jlatS)).
