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 Status:Ongoing analysis Material  Status: Finalised Material from: Linus, Ivan


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Discussed in the following Daily reports:

Content by Label
cqllabel = "case0391-storm-dennis-feb2020"


A report from UK Metoffice can be found here:

2. Description of the event

Satellite Air mass RGB and ECMWF MSLP Analyses at 00 UTC on 16 Feb, 12 UTC on 16 Feb and 00 UTC on 17 Feb. Storm Dennis is labelled. 

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The pictures below show satellite images from 16 Feb 00UTC,  16 Feb 12UTC and 17 Feb 00UTC. (from


The plots below show observations of 24-hour maximum wind gusts valid 15 February 12UTC to  16 February 12UTC (first plot) and HRES forecasts valid at the same period. The forecast plots also includes MSLP valid 16 February 00UTC (grey contours).

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The plots below show observations and forecasts of 24-hour precipitation valid from 15 February 06UTC to 16 April 06UTC. The forecast plots also includes MSLP valid 15 February 18UTC.


The plots below show EFI and SOT integrated water vapour flux valid 15-17 February.

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The plot below shows the evolution of forecast for  24-hour total precipitation valid 15 February 00UTC to 18 February 00UTC for a 2x2 degree box over Wales outlined in the precipitation plots above. The plot includes ensemble (blue box-and-whisker), HRES (red dot) and model climate (red box-and-whisker).
