Versions Compared


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The standard procedures for verification of surface variables are defined in the Manual on the Global Data-processing and Forecasting System: Annex IV to the WMO Technical Regulations (available from WMO library at, appendix 2.2.34.

ECMWF in the capacity of LC DNV collects and archive the scores. Data are exchanged in an ASCII-based format which is simple but flexible and is similar to the format used WMO exchange of domain-averaged upper-air scores.


Data format

VBar-delimited format

centre | model_id | yyyymm | time | forecast_step | station_id | latitude | longitude | station_elevation | parameter | level | period | score | event | sample_size | mean_value


  • centre (4-characters string) is the WMO identifier of the originating centre (ammc, cwao, ecmf, edzw, egrr, kwbc, lfpw, rjtd, rksl, rums etc);
  • model_id (variable-length string) is free model identifier assigned by the originating centre (to distinguish between potentially different models provided by the centre);

  • yyyymm is the month of the mean, where yyyy is the year and mm is the month (01-12);
  • time is the time (in hours UTC) when the forecasts included in the mean have been validating;
  • forecast_step is the length of the forecast (in hours);
  • station_id is the name and/or numeric ID of the observation station verifying the forecasts;
  • latitude is the latitude of the observation station verifying the forecasts;
  • longitude is the longitude of the observation station verifying the forecasts;
  • station_elevation is the elevation of the observation station above the mean sea level in meters;
  • parameter is the parameter and level of the verified model parameter:
t2mair temperature at 2 meters above the model orography surface and corrected to the actual station elevation using the constant lapse rate 6.5K/1000m
tp24total precipitation accumulated over previous 24 hours
ff10mwind speed at 10 meters above the model orography
  • score is the name of the verification score or statistic:

mean error (bias), computed as forecast minus observation


contingency table, the 4 values are misses, hits, correct non-events, and false alarms (in this order)

 observednot observed
forecastHitsFalse alarms
not forecastMissesCorrect non-events
  • event is the name of the event (for contingency tables)
val>1forecast/observed value greater than 1 unit of the forecast parameter
an>4forecast/observed anomaly with respect to the station climate mean greater than 4 units of the forecast value
an<-1.5stdforecast/observed anomaly with respect to the station climate mean less than -1.5 times the standard deviation of the climate at the observation station
  • sample_size is number of observations used to compute the monthly mean at the given station;
  • mean_value is the value or values of the score mean; in case of contingency table these are the 4 values delimited by comma