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Code Block
# **************************** LICENSE START ***********************************
# Copyright 2022 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms
# of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not
# waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as
# an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
# ***************************** LICENSE END ************************************

import cfgrib
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
from eccodes import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import argparse
import sys
import os

def parse_args():
    ''' Parse program arguments using ArgumentParser'''
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description ="Python tool to calculate the model level variable at a given pressure level and write data to a netCDF file")         
    parser.add_argument('-p', '--pressure', required=True, nargs='+',type=float,
                        help='Pressure levels (Pa) to calculate the variable')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', required=False, help='name of the output file (default ""')
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', required=True, metavar='input.grib', type=str,
                        help=('grib file with required variable(s) on model level and surface pressure fields',
                              'the model levels'))
    args = parser.parse_args()
    if not args.output:
        args.output = '' 
    return args

def get_input_variable_list(fin):
    f = open(fin)
    var_list = []
    while 1:
        gid = codes_grib_new_from_file(f)
        if gid is None:
        keys = ('dataDate', 'dataTime', 'shortName')
        for key in keys:
            if key == 'shortName':
              var_list.append(codes_get(gid, key))
    var_list_unique = list(set(var_list))
    if 'lnsp' not in var_list_unique:
      print("Error - lnsp variable missing from input file -exiting")
    if len(var_list_unique) < 2:
      print("Error - Data variable missing from input file -exiting")
    return var_list_unique

def check_requested_levels(plevs):
    check_lev = True
    if len(plevs) > 1:
        error_msg = "Error - only specify 1 input pressure level to interpolate to"
        for lev in plevs:
           if lev < 0 or lev > 110000 :
              check_lev = False
              error_msg = "Error - negative values and large positive values for pressure are not allowed -exiting"
    if check_lev == False:
    return check_lev

def check_in_range(data_array,requested_levels):
    amin = data_array.minimum()
    amax = data_array.maximum()
    print("min max ",amin,amax)                

def vertical_interpolate(vcoord_data, interp_var, interp_levelslevel):
    """A function to interpolate sounding data from each station to
    every millibar. Assumes a log-linear relationship.
    vcoord_data : A 1D array of vertical level values (e.g., from ERA5 pressure fromat model levels at a radiosondepoint)
    interp_var : A 1D array of the variable to be interpolated to the all pressure levelslevel
    vcoord_interp_levelslevel : A 1D array containing veritcalthe vertical levelslevel to interpolate to
    interp_data : A 1D array that contains the interpolated variable on the interp_levelslevel

    l_count = 0
    for l in interp_levelslevel:
      if l < np.min(vcoord_data) or l > np.max(vcoord_data):
        ip = interp_data[l_count] = np.NAN [np.NAN]
    # Make vertical coordinate data and grid level log variables
        lnp = np.log(vcoord_data)
        lnp_intervalsinterval = [np.log(x) for x in interp_levelslevel]
    # Use numpy to interpolate from observed levels to grid levels
    interp_data    ip = np.interp(lnp_intervalsinterval, lnp, interp_var)
    return interp_dataip[0]

def  def calculate_pressure_on_model_levels(ds_var,ds_lnsp):
    # Get the number of model levels in the input variable 
    # Get the a and b coefficients from the pv array to calculate the model level pressure 
    pv_coeff = np.array(ds_var.GRIB_pv)
    # get the surface pressure in hPa
    sp = np.exp(ds_lnsp)
    for i in range(len(a_coeff)):  
        p_half.append(a_coeff[i] + b_coeff[i] * sp)
    for hybrid in range(len(p_half) - 1):
        p_ml.append((p_half[hybrid + 1] + p_half[hybrid]) / 2.0)   
    ds_p_ml = xr.concat(p_ml, 'hybrid')
    return ds_p_ml

def plot_profile(var_ml,press_ml, var_int_press,var_int_plevs,tstep,lat,lon):

    var_v= var_ml.sel(time = var_ml.time[tstep],longitude=lon, latitude=lat, method='nearest')
    var_v_values = var_v.values
    var_p= press_ml.sel(time = var_ml.time[tstep],longitude=lon, latitude=lat, method='nearest')
    var_p_values = var_p.values
    var_ip= var_int_press.sel(time = var_ml.time[tstep],longitude=lon, latitude=lat, method='nearest')
    var_ip_values = var_ip.values 
    var_ip_p = var_ip.pressure
    var_ip_p_values = var_ip_p.values
    plt.axis([min(var_v_values), max(var_v_values), max(var_p_values), min(var_p_values)])
    plt.plot(var_v_values,var_p_values, 'o', color = 'black')
    plt.plot(var_ip_values,var_ip_p_values,'o', color = 'red')

def calculate_interpolated_pressure_field(data_var_on_ml, data_p_on_ml,plevs):
    nlevs = len(data_var_on_ml.hybrid)
    p_array = np.stack(data_p_on_ml, axis=2).flatten()
    # Flatten the data array to enable faster processing
    var_array = np.stack(data_var_on_ml, axis=2).flatten()
    no_grid_points =  int(len(var_array)/nlevs)
    interpolated_var = np.empty((len(plevs), no_grid_points))
    ds_shape = data_var_on_ml.shape
    nlats_values = data_var_on_ml.coords['latitude']
    nlons_values = data_var_on_ml.coords['longitude']
    nlats = len(nlats_values)
    nlons = len(nlons_values)
#     Iterate over the data, selecting one vertical profile at a time
    count = 0
    profile_count = 0
    for point in range(no_grid_points):
        offset =  count*nlevs
        var_profile = var_array[offset:offset+nlevs]
        p_profile = p_array[offset:offset+nlevs]
        interpolated_values.append(vertical_interpolate(p_profile, var_profile, plevs))
        profile_count += len(p_profile)
        count = count + 1
    return interpolated_field  

def check_data_cube(dc):
    checks = True
    for var_name in dc.variables:
        if var_name in ['time','step','hybrid','latitude','longitude','valid_time']:
        if var_name == 'lnsp':
            lnsp_dims = ['time','latitude','longitude']
            if all(value in lnsp_dims for value in dc.variables[var_name].dims):
                print("Not all required lnsp dimensions found -exiting ", dc.variables[var_name].dims)
                checks = False
            var_dims = ['time','hybrid','latitude','longitude']
            if all(value in var_dims for value in dc.variables[var_name].dims):
                print("Not all required variable dimensions found -exiting ",dc.variables[var_name].dims)
                checks = False
    return checks

def main():
    '''Main function'''
    print("-p <pressure level (Pa) > -o <output_file> -i <input grib file>")
    print("e.g. to process a grib file containing 6 hours of lnsp and temperature data to the 500 hPa level:")
    print("python3 -o -p 50000  -i output_00_06_130_152_1x1.grib`n")
    args = parse_args()
    print('Arguments: %s' % ", ".join(
        ['%s: %s' % (k, v) for k, v in vars(args).items()]))

    plevels = args.pressure
    plevels.sort(reverse = True) 


    input_fname = args.input 
    output_fname = args.output
    if not os.path.isfile(input_fname):
        print("Input file does not exist - exiting")
    variable_list = get_input_variable_list(input_fname)
    # Create a data object to hold the input and derived data
    data_cube = xr.merge(cfgrib.open_datasets(input_fname, backend_kwargs={'read_keys': ['pv']}), combine_attrs='override')
    if not check_data_cube(data_cube):
   # Get the ln surface pressure
    lnsp = data_cube['lnsp']
    for var in variable_list:
      if var == 'lnsp':
    for var in variable_list:
        if var == 'lnsp' :
        data_pressure_on_model_levels_list =[]
        for time_step in range(len(data_cube[var].time)):
#   Get the pressure field on model levels for each timestep            
            data_cube['pml'][time_step,:,:,:] = calculate_pressure_on_model_levels(data_slice_var,data_slice_lnsp)
    data_cube['pml'].attrs = {'units' : 'Pa','long_name':'pressure','standard_name':'air_pressure','positive':'down'}
    all_interpolated_var_fields_list = []
    for var in variable_list:
        if var == 'lnsp' or var == 'pml':
        interpolated_var_field = data_cube[var].copy()
        interpolated_var_field = interpolated_var_field[:,0:len(plevels),:,:]
        interpolated_var_field = interpolated_var_field.rename({'hybrid':'pressure'})
        interpolated_var_field['pressure'] = plevels
        for time_step in range(len(data_cube[var].time)):
            var_on_ml = data_cube[var][time_step,:,:,:]
            p_on_ml = data_cube['pml'][time_step,:,:,:]
            interpolated_var_field[time_step,:,:,:] = calculate_interpolated_pressure_field(var_on_ml,p_on_ml,plevels)
    all_interpolated_var_fields = xr.merge(all_interpolated_var_fields_list)   
    all_interpolated_var_fields['pressure'].attrs = {'units' : 'Pa','long_name':'pressure','standard_name':'air_pressure','positive':'down'}
#   Write interpolated data variable to output filename    
    PLOT_DATA = False     
    if PLOT_DATA:
        latitude = 45.0
        longitude = 0
        tstep =0
    print("Finished interpolation of variables to pressure level")

if __name__ == '__main__':


Geopotential height

In ERA5 (and in the IFS), and often in meteorology, heights (the height of the land and sea surface, or specific heights in the atmosphere) are not represented as geometric height, or altitude (in metres above the spheroid), but as geopotential as geopotential height (in geopotential metres above the geoid, which is represented by the mean sea level in ERA5). Note, that ECMWF usually archive archives the geopotential (in m2/s2), not the geopotential height.

To obtain the geopotential height (h) in (geopotential) metres (of the land and sea surface or at particular heights in the atmosphere), simply divide the geopotential by the Earth's gravitational acceleration, which has a fixed value of 9.80665 m/s2 in the IFS. This geopotential height is relative to the geoid (over land and the ocean, mean sea level over ocean is assumed to be coincident with the geoid) - for more information see ERA5: data documentation - spatial reference systems.

Geometric height

The Geometric height is not represented in ERA5 (nor in the IFS). However, the geometric height or altitude (alt) is given bycan be approximated by the following formula (neglecting horizontal variations in the Earth's gravitational acceleration):


alt = Re \ast h/(Re-h)

where Re is the radius of the Earth, and h is the Geopotential height. This geometric height is relative to the geoid (over land and the ocean, mean sea level over ocean is assumed to be coincident with the geoid) and it is assumed that the Earth is a perfect sphere - for more information see ERA5: data documentation - spatial reference systems.
