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title27-06-2023 ECMWF forecast system change

New version of ECMWF IFS model (cycle 48r1) has been introduced at ECMWF since 6Z run on 2023-06-27. 

With IFS Cycle 48r1, the horizontal resolution of the  medium-range ensemble  (ENS) will increase from 18 to 9 km. This will bring the ENS to the same horizontal resolution as the high resolution forecast (HRES). The vertical resolution for both ENS and HRES will remain at 137 model levels and the ENS will continue to have 51 members. For TIGGE, the IFS data is interpolated to the same resolution O640 as up to now.

More details can be found in TIGGE model upgrades#ECMWF

title20-01-2022 Fixed issues in KMA data

After the KMA model update on 1th of July 2022,the values of  Surface net solar radiation were wrong . Also there were some occasional unwanted zero values for some other parameters (2t, 2d, tcc, 10m u/v etc). The affected data has been fixed now.

Find more information in Issues with data.


title01-07-2022 KMA forecast system change

The KMA has changed their model used for TIGGE contribution fromUnified Model  to Korean Integrated Model ensemble (KIM), version 3.7, since the 1st  of   July 2022. Find more information in TIGGE Models.

title30-06-2022 Meteo-France forecast system change

The last step in 18Z runs in Meteo-France contribution to TIGGE has been changed from +108 to +102 hours since    

title04-05-2022 UKMO forecast system change

The Met Office Global model was upgraded to OS45 with effect from the 12Z cycle on 2022-05-04. Find more information in the Model upgrades page.

title10-03-2022 TIGGE portal at CMA

The TIGGE portal at CMA should be available now again after a while in   It should contain in principle  the same data as the TIGGE archive at ECMWF. Currently after some technical issues in the past, the data is still available only for more recent period which should be extended soon to contain more historical data too. 


title13-10-2021 ECMWF forecast system change

New version of ECMWF IFS model (cycle 47r3) has been introduced at ECMWF since 6Z run on 2021-10-12. 

Cycle upgrade 47r3 will bring improvements to the assimilation and observations usage and a significantly improved physical basis for moist processes, necessary to facilitate further development of the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) and future application at convection-permitting resolutions.

More details can be found in TIGGE model upgrades#ECMWF

title24-06-2021 Yearly stats added

Yearly statistics have been added to  TIGGE usage statistics .

title14-06-2021 ECCC high resolution forecasts

The ECCC high resolution forecasts interpolated to the ensemble resolution have been added to TIGGE archive starting since the 11th June 2021 as per the details in the page Models.

title14-05-2021 DWD forecasts back-archiving

The additional period of 9 months of DWD forecasts was back-archived in TIGGE so that it starts now on 1 March 2020. 

title12-05-2021 ECMWF forecast system change

New version of ECMWF IFS model (cycle 47r2) has been introduced at ECMWF since 2021-05-11. In the IFS Cycle 47r2 single-precision for ENS (forecast up to day 46 and hindcast) and HRES (forecast) has been introduced. Moreover, the ENS vertical levels has been increased to 137 to bring it in line with HRES. 

This change will not affect the format of TIGGE products from IFS. 

More details can be found in TIGGE model upgrades#ECMWF

title27-04-2021 JMA forecast system change

JMA global EPS has been upgraded to the version GEPS_2103 since   

The major changes are:

  • Increase of the number of vertical layers from 100 to 128
  • Increase of the number of ensemble members from 27 to 51
  • Revision of the global snow analysis
  • Introduction of the global soil moisture analysis

Further details can be found in the page  Models .  

title15-04-2021 ECCC data resolution change

The horizontal resolution of t he ECCC contribution to TIGGE has been increased from 1.0 to 0.25 degree since 12Z  Also the GRIB 2 packing has been changed to simple instead of complex one (that will generally  increase file sizes but also significantly reduce time needed to process such data). All TIGGE data from all participating models should be encoded now using simple GRIB 2 packing.

Further details can be found in the page  Models .  

title06-04-2021 Meteo-France forecast system change

Meteo-France global prediction system has been upgraded to the version PEARP5  since     The main technical changes related to TIGGE are:

  • 4 runs from 0/6/12/18Z instead of 2 from 6/18Z
    • there are different final steps for different runs:
      • 0/12Z: +48H
      • 6Z: +90H
      • 18Z: +108H
  • resolution increase to 0.5 degree
  • GRIB 2 simple packing instead of JPEG
  • tmin/tmax fix

Further details can be found in the page  Models .  


title17-12-2020 New model ICON from DWD added to TIGGE archive

The outputs from the global model ICON produced by Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) have been added to TIGGE archive starting from 12Z,  7 December 2020. In contrary to other ensemble systems, in ICON the control forecast is not produced (the ensemble consists of 40 perturbed members only). The high resolution forecast interpolated to the same resolution as the ensemble is also available for users.  Click   here   for more details.

title26-11-2020 NCEP forecast system change

The NCEP global prediction system was upgraded to GEFS v12  since 12Z, 23 Sep 2020. The main technical changes related to TIGGE are:

  • increased ensemble size from 21 to 31
  • increased horizontal resolution from 1 to 0.5 degree

Find more information in the page Models.

title10-11-2020 KMA high resolution forecasts

The KMA high resolution forecasts interpolated to the ensemble resolution have been added to TIGGE archive starting since the 5th November 2020 as per the details in the page Models.

title22-10-2020 KMA forecast length extension

The forecast length of KMA outputs has been extended from 10 to 12 days starting since 21 October 2020 as per model details page.

title13-07-2020 New model IMD GEFS added to TIGGE archive

New model outputs from the Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) produced by India Meteorological Department (IMD) were added to TIGGE archive starting from 1 July 2020. Users can access the data on 0.12° x  0.12° grid (~12 km).  Click  here  for more details.

title30-06-2020 ECMF ECMWF forecast system change

The ECMWF global prediction system  was upgraded to the version 47r1  since 30 June 2020. Find more information in the Model upgrades page.


title20-12-2017 New model ( NCMRWF , India) added to TIGGE archive
New model outputs outputs  from National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF, India) were added to TIGGE archive. The first starting date available thanks to the back-archiving is the 1st of August 2017. Click here for more details.
