Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
  • Based on the currently available sample or production data
  • Available/missing parameters are marked by green/red colour
  • ECMWF's ecCodes paramId in the parantheses

10 metre U-wind comp


10 metre V-wind comp


Significant height of combined wind waves and swell


Peak wave period


Mean zero- crossing wave period


Mean wave direction


BoM (ammc)

DMI (ekmi)

DWD (edzw)

ECCC (cwao)

ECMWF (ecmf)


JMA (rjtd)

KMA (rksl)

LOPS (lops)

METEOAM (cnmc)

METNO (enmi)

METFR (lfpw)

NCEP (kwbc)

NIWA (niwa)

NZMS (nzkl)

PRTOS (lemm)

SHNSM (sabm)

UKMO (egrr)