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Ingleby B























Pinnington, and P. de Rosnay


: "Improved two-metre temperature forecasts in the 2024 upgrade", ECMWF Winter 2024 Newsletter, doi:

Salonen K., P. Weston, P.  de Rosnay: "Annual SMOS brightness temperature monitoring report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, February 2024 doi:10.21957/64e9d1fcec

Salonen K., P. Weston, P.  de Rosnay: "Quarter 4 2023: Operations Service Report", February 2024, 10.21957/78038dd521

K. Salonen, P. Weston, and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 1 2024: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG:

K. Salonen, P. Weston, and P de Rosnay: "Quality control plan for Brightness Temperature monitoring - 2024",


Blyverket J., A. Bakketun, P. Weston, E. Pinnington, J. Bojarova, P. de Rosnay, "Preliminary assessment of ensemble perturbation methods for the land-surface assimilation systems" CERISE HE project D1.1, December 2023,

Calvet J.-C., B. Bonan, O. RojasMunoz, A. Agusti-Panareda, P. de Rosnay, P. Weston, P. Peylin, C. Bacour, V. Bastrikov, F. Maignan, T. Kaminski, W. Knorr, M. Vossbeck, M. Scholze, "Demonstrator systems for using remote sensing data (LAI, VOD, SIF) in online global prior fluxes for the CO2MVS prototype", CoCO2 H2020 project D3.4, June 2023,

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 1 2023: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG

Weston P., K. Salonen, and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 2 2023: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG

Salonen, K., P. Weston and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 3 2023: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG

Weston, P. and P. de Rosnay: "Annual SMOS brightness temperature monitoring report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, February 2023 doi: 10.21957/e56872458b

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 4 2022: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, February 2023 doi:10.21957/503e0f62b9

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Multi-year SMOS brightness temperature monitoring", SMOS-E contract 4000125399/18/I-BG, February 2023, doi: 10.21957/02c8d9b572

WIGOS Newsletter article April 2023 New snow depth datasets available in real time, for NWP centres


A. Benedetti, G. Balsamo, S. Boussetta, F. Di Giuseppe, A. Inness, K. Ochi, P. de Rosnay, H. Zuo: "Use of ESA Climate Change Initiative data in ECMWF’s Earth system model" ECMWF Spring 2022 Newsletter article, p10,

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 4 2021: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, January 2022 doi:10.21957/cbh822cej

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 1 2022: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, April 2022 doi:10.21957/hbtm1mmc4

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 2 2022: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, July 2022 doi: 10.21957/1cc013cd69

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 3 2022: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, October 2022 doi: 10.21957/1557b16019

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "SMOS monitoring quality control baseline", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, April 2022


Simmons, A, H. Hersbach, J. Munoz-Sabater, J. Nicolas, F. Vamborg, P. Berrisford, P. de Rosnay, K. Willett, J. Woollen: "Low frequency variability and trends in surface air temperature and humidity from ERA5 and other datasets",  ECMWF Tech Memo 881, 2021 doi: 10.21957/ly5vbtbfd

Magnusson, L., S. Majumdar, R. Emerton, D. Richardson, M. Alonso-Balmaseda, C. Baugh, P. Bechtold, J.-R. Bidlot, A. Bonanni, M. Bonavita, N. Bormann, A. Brown, P. Browne, H. Carr, M. Dahoui, G. D. Chiara, M. Diamantakis, D. Duncan, S. English, R. Forbes, A. J. Geer, T. Haiden, S. Healy, T. Hewson, B. Ingleby, M. Janousek, C. Kuehnlein, S. Lang, S.-J. Lock, T. McNally, K. Mogensen, F. Pappenberger, I. Polichtchouk, F. Prates, C. Prudhomme, F. Rabier, P. de Rosnay, T. Quintino, and M. Rennie (2021). Tropical cyclone activities at ECMWF. ECMWF Tech. Memo. (888). doi:  10.21957/zzxzzygwv

Weston, P. and P. de Rosnay: "Annual SMOS brightness temperature monitoring report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, January 2021 doi:  10.21957/kbzamln6f

Weston, P. and P. de Rosnay: "Annual SMOS brightness temperature monitoring report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, November 2021 doi: 10.21957/lc3zcuvgn

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 1 2021: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, April 2021,  doi: 10.21957/bp7d12ws

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 2 2021: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, July 2021,  doi:10.21957/1s1hcs6bl

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 3 2021: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, October 2021 doi:10.21957/5j2zpdm6v

Weston, P. and P. de Rosnay: "Quarter 4 2020: Operations Service Report, ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, January 2021, doi: 10.21957/ak85dkm53

Weston, P de Rosnay and S English: "GRDS test-bed report" May 2021, doi: 10.21957/8kv6wj087


de Rosnay, P., S.Pullen, and R. Nitu: Improvements in the reporting of ‘zero’ snow depth from SYNOP stations, WIGOS Newsletter Vol6(2), April 2020

Sandu, I., T. Haiden, G.  Balsamo, P. Schmederer, G. Arduini, GJ. Day, A. Beljaars, Z. Ben-Bouallegue, S. Boussetta, M. Leutbecher, L. Magnusson, P. de Rosnay: Addressing near-surface forecast biases: outcomes of the ECMWF project 'Understanding uncertainties in surface atmosphere exchange' (USURF), ECMWF Tech Memo 875, 2020

Weston, P. and P. de Rosnay: "Quality control plan for Brightness Temperature monitoring", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, July 2020

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 1 2020: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, April 2020

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 2 2020: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, July 2020

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 3 2020: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, October 2020

Weston, P de Rosnay and S English: "GRDS test-bed plan" Nov 2020, 10.21957/h18ip7rud

Zsótér, E., C. Prudhomme, S. Harrigan, P. de Rosnay, J. Muñoz-Sabater, E. Stephens, "Trends in the GloFAS-ERA5 river discharge reanalysis", , ECMWF Technical Memorandum, TM-871, 2020, doi: 10.21957/p9jrh0xp


Baugh C., P. de Rosnay and H. Lawrence: "SMOS Operational Emergency Services - Floods", Technical Report 3 (TR3) Work Package Floods-1, ECMWF ESA/ESRIN Contract 4000125399/18/I-BG, August 2019

Browne P., P. de Rosnay and H. Zuo: "Coupled ocean–atmosphere data assimilation at ECMWF" ECMWF newsletter article 160, pp23-28, 2019, 10.21957/ka471pbj9e

Calvet J.-C., P. de Rosnay, and S. Penny: " Editorial for the Special Issue “Assimilation of Remote Sensing Data into Earth System Models", accepted,  Remote Sensing, 2019 

De Chiara G. and P. de Rosnay: " Preparation for the assimilation of ASCAT-C Scatterometer wind and soil moisture data" ECMWF Research Memorandum RD19 224, October 2019

de Rosnay, P. J. Muñoz-Sabater, C. Albergel, H. Lawrence, L. Isaksen, S. English: "ECMWF Final Report on SMOS brightness temperature activities over land: Monitoring and Data Assimilation", ESA /ESRIN contract 4000101703/10/NL/FF/fk WP1400, March 2019 10.21957/gokq2iapv

de Rosnay P. and P. Weston: SMOS long-term assessment based on re-analyses: strategy and work plan", ESA contract 4000125399/18/I-BG, December 2019

de Rosnay, P. and Nitu,: Global Cryosphere Watch: Improvements in the international reporting of Snow Depth, WIGOS Newsletter Vol5(2), April 2019

Lawrence H., P. de Rosnay and C. Baugh : "First steps towards using SMOS soil moisture in the European Flood Awareness System" ECMWF ESA/ESRIN Contract 4000125399/18/I-BG, June 2019

Muñoz-Sabater J.,  H. Lawrence, C. Albergel, P. de Rosnay, L. Isaksen, S. Mecklenburg, Y. Kerr and  M. Drusch:"Assimilation of SMOS brightness temperatures in the ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System", ECMWF Research Memorandum, TM-843, 2019


Browne, P.,  P. de Rosnay, H. Zuo, A. Bennett, A. Dawson: "Weakly coupled ocean–atmosphere data assimilation suites", ECMWF Research Memorandum  RD18-284, 2018

de Rosnay, P., J. Muñoz-Sabater, C. Albergel, L. Isaksen: "SMOS brightness temperature forward modelling, bias correction and long term monitoring at ECMWF", ESA /ESRIN contract 4000101703/10/NL/FF/fk WP1400, November 2018

Haiden, T, Dahoui, M, Ingleby, B, de Rosnay, P, Prates, C, Kuscu, E, Hewson, T, Isaksen, L, Richardson, D, Zuo, H, Jones, L: "Use of in situ surface observations at ECMWF", ECMWF Technical Memorandum, TM-834, November 2018

Helmert  J., M. Lange, J. Dong, P de Rosnay,  D. Gustafsson, E. Churulin, E. Kurzeneva, R. Müller, J. Trentmann, N. Souverijns, R. Koch, U. Böhm, M. Bartik, M. Osuch, I. Rozinkina, J.-M. Bettems, P. Samuelsson, F. Marcucci, M. Milelli: Workshop Report 1st Snow Data Assimilation Workshop in the framework of COST HarmoSnow ESSEM 1404

Hersbach H., P de Rosnay, B Bell, D Schepers, A Simmons, C Soci, S Abdalla, M Alonso Balmaseda, G Balsamo, P Bechtold, P Berrisford, J Bidlot, E. de Boisséson, M Bonavita, P Browne, R Buizza, P Dahlgren, D Dee, R Dragani, M Diamantakis, J Flemming, R Forbes, A Geer, T Haiden, E Hólm, L Haimberger, R Hogan, A Horányi, M Janisková, P Laloyaux, P Lopez, J Muñoz-Sabater, C Peubey, R Radu, D Richardson, J-N Thépaut, F Vitart, X Yang, E Zsótér, H Zuo: "Operational global reanalysis: progress, future directions and synergies with NWP", ECMWF ERA report series N27, 2018

Schepers, D., E. de Boisséson, R. Eresmaa, C. Lupu and P. de Rosnay: "CERA-SAT: A coupled satellite-era reanalysis", ECMWF Newsletter 155, Spring 2018, pp31-37, doi: 10.21957/sp619ds74g 


Bonavita, M, Y. Trémolet, E. Holm, S. Lang, M. Chrust, M. Janiskova, P. Lopez, P. Laloyaux, P. De Rosnay, M. Fisher, M. Hamrud and S. English: "A Strategy for Data Assimilation" ECMWF Technical Memorandum 800, 2017. doi: 10.21957/tx1epjd2p

Browne P., P. de Rosnay, S. Keeley, I. Mallas, K. Mogensen and J. Bidlot:  "OSTIA sea ice product change on 20 March 2017" ECMWF Research Memorandum RD17-095, 2017

Browne P., P. de Rosnay, I. Mallas, H. Zuo, K. Mogensen, M. Balmaseda: "OSTIA product change on 28 November 2017", ECMWF Research Memorandum, RD17-291, 2017

de Rosnay P., F. Pappenberger, H. Zuo and I Mallas: "ECMWF-CMEMS agreement on sea-level anomaly data", ECMWF Newsletter 151, Spring 2017

Penny S.G., Akella S., Alves O., Bishop C., Buehner M., Chevallier M., Counillon F., Draper C., Frolov S., Fujii Y., Karspeck A., Kumar A., Laloyaux P., Mahfouf J.-F., Martin M., Peña M., de Rosnay P., Subramanian A., Tardif R., Wang Y., Wu X.: Coupled Data Assimilation for Integrated Earth System Analysis and Prediction: Goals, Challenges and Recommendations. World Meteorol. Org.
(WMO), WWRP 2017-3, 2017.

Rodriguez-Fernandez N.J., P. de Rosnay, C. Albergel, F. Aires, C. Prigent, P. Richaume, Y.H. Kerr, J. Muñoz-Sabater: "SMOS Neural Network Soil Moisture Data Assimilation". ESA /ESRIN contract 4000101703/10/NL/FF/fk WP4010, January 2017 (pdf)

S. Tietsche; M.A. Balmaseda; H. Zuo; P. de Rosnay: "Comparing Arctic winter sea-ice thickness from SMOS and ORAS5", ECMWF TechMemo 803, 2017

Zuo H., M.A. Balmaseda, E. de Boisseson, S. Hirahara, M. Chrust and P. de Rosnay: "A generic ensemble generation scheme for data assimilation and ocean analysis", ECMWF TechMemo 795, 2017


de Rosnay P., Mallas, I. Gospodinov: Additional snow depth reports from Bulgaria: data assimilation and recommendations, ECMWF Research Memorandum RD16-178, 2016

de Rosnay P., I. Mallas and J. Hodkinson: NOAA NESDIS IMS snow cover date shift issue and acquisition change, ECMWF Research Memorandum RD16-110, 2016

Muñoz-Sabater J., P. de Rosnay, C. Albergel, L. Isaksen: SMOS Report on background and observation error scenarios, ESA /ESRIN contract 4000101703/10/NL/FF/fk, TNPII WP3401 & WP3402, 2016

Muñoz-Sabater J.,  N. Rodríguez-Fernández, P. Richaume, C. Albergel, P. de Rosnay: SMOS Near-Real-Time Soil Moisture processor: Operational chain and evaluation, ESA /ESRIN contract 4000101703/10/NL/FF/fk, Technical Report 2 (TR2) Work Package 4020, 2016

Rodríguez-Fernández N., P. Richaume, J. Muñoz-Sabater, P. de Rosnay, Y. Kerr: SMOS Near-Real-Time Soil Moisture processor. Recommended neural network conguration and algorithm description. ESA contract 4000101703/10/NL/FF/fk, SO-TN-CB-GS-0049, 2016


de Rosnay P., Isaksen L., Dahoui M.: Snow data assimilation at ECMWF, ECMWF Newsletter no 143, article pp 26-31, Spring 2015, doi: 10.21957/lkpxq6x5 (pdf)


de Rosnay P., B. Ingleby, L. Isaksen, E. Fucile:BUFR SYNOP snow depth observations, ECMWF Research Memorandum RD14-440, 2014

Haiden, T., L. Magnusson, I. Tsonevsky, F. Wetterhall, L. Alfieri, F. Pappenberger, P. de Rosnay, J. Muñoz-Sabater, G. Balsamo, C. Albergel, R. Forbes, T. Hewson, S. Malardel, D. Richardson: ECMWF forecast performance during the June 2013 flood in Central Europe, ECMWF Technical Memorandum 723, June 2014  (pdf)

Balsamo, G., A. Agustì-Panareda, C. Albergel, A. Beljaars, S. Boussetta, E. Dutra, T. Komori, S. Lang, J. Muñoz-Sabater, F. Pappenberger, P. de Rosnay, I. Sandu, N. Wedi, A. Weisheimer, F. Wetterhall, E. Zsoter:Representing the Earth surfaces in the Integrated Forecasting System: Recent advances and future challenges, ECMWF Technical Memorandum 729 October 2014  (pdf)

Muñoz-Sabater J., P. de Rosnay, C. Albergel, L Isaksen: SMOS Report on Level 3 root zone soil moisture & DA Impact, ESA/ESRIN Contract 4000101703/10/NL/FF/fk, Technical Note - Phase-II WP2000 & WP2100, February 2014


Brun E., Lawrimore J., de Rosnay P. and Friddell J., 2013:  A Global Cryosphere Watch Initiative for improving in-situ snow observations and their access and for rescuing/collecting historical in-situ snow data, WMO Global Cryosphere Watch Snow Watch document, October 2013 (pdf)

English, S, T. McNally, N. Bormann, K. Salonen, M. Matricardi, A. Horanyi, M. Rennie, M. Janisková, S. Di Michele, A. Geer, E. Di Tomaso, C. Cardinali, P. de Rosnay, J. Muñoz Sabater, M. Bonavita, C. Albergel, R. Engelen and J.-N. Thépaut: Impact of satellite data. ECMWF Technical Memorandum 711, November 2013, (pdf)

Albergel C. W. Dorigo, G. Balsamo, J. Muñoz-Sabater, P. de Rosnay, L. Isaksen, L. Brocca, R de Jeu, W. Wagner: Monitoring multi-decadal satellite earth observation of soil moisture products through land surface reanalyses. ECMWF Technical Memorandum 697, April 2013, (pdf)

Albergel C. W. Dorigo, R. H. Reichle, G. Balsamo

Balsamo, G., A. Agustì-Panareda, C. Albergel, A. Beljaars, S. Boussetta, E. Dutra, T. Komori, S. Lang, J. Muñoz-Sabater, F. Pappenberger, P. de Rosnay, I. Sandu, N. Wedi, A. Weisheimer, F. Wetterhall, E. Zsoter:Representing the Earth surfaces in the Integrated Forecasting System: Recent advances and future challenges, ECMWF Technical Memorandum 729 October 2014  (pdf)



Brun E., Lawrimore J., de Rosnay P. and Friddell J., 2013:  A Global Cryosphere Watch Initiative for improving in-situ snow observations and their access and for rescuing/collecting historical in-situ snow data, WMO Global Cryosphere Watch Snow Watch document, October 2013 (pdf)

English, S, T. McNally, N. Bormann, K. Salonen, M. Matricardi, A. Horanyi, M. Rennie, M. Janisková, S. Di Michele, A. Geer, E. Di Tomaso, C. Cardinali, P. de Rosnay, J. Muñoz-Sabater, ML. BonavitaIsaksen, CR. Albergelde Jeu, RW. Engelen and J.-N. Thépaut: Impact of satellite dataWagner: Skill and global trend analysis of soil moisture from reanalyses and microwave remote sensing. ECMWF Technical Memorandum 711695, November March 2013, (pdf)Albergel C. W. Dorigo

de Rosnay P., G. Carver, F. Vitart, G. Balsamo, J. Muñoz-Sabater, P. de RosnayN. Wedi, E. Dutra, J. Hodkinson, L. Isaksen, LG. Brocca, R de Jeu, W. Wagner: Monitoring multi-decadal satellite earth observation of soil moisture products through land surface reanalyses. ECMWF Technical Memorandum 697, April 2013, (pdf)Albergel C. W. Dorigo, R. H. Reichle, G. BalsamoRadnóti, T. Jóhannesson and S. Thorsteinsson: Icelandic glacier mask update in IFS cycle 38r2. ECMWF Research Memorandum, RD13-293(pdf)

Muñoz-Sabater J., P. de Rosnay, JC. Muñoz-SabaterJimenez, L. Isaksen , R. de Jeu, W. Wagner: Skill and global trend analysis of soil moisture from reanalyses and microwave remote sensing. ECMWF Technical Memorandum 695, March 2013, (pdf)

de Rosnay P., G. Carver, F. Vitart, G. Balsamo, N. Wedi, E. Dutra, J. Hodkinson, L. Isaksen, G. Radnóti, T. Jóhannesson and S. Thorsteinsson: Icelandic glacier mask update in IFS cycle 38r2. ECMWF Research Memorandum, RD13-293(pdf)

and C. Albergel: SMOS brightness temperatures angular noise: characterization, filtering and validation. ECMWF Technical Memorandum 715, December 2013, (pdf)

Muñoz-Sabater J., P. de Rosnay, L. Isaksen: Hot Spot Analysis. ESA/ESRIN Contract 4000101703/10/NL/FF/fk Technical Note - Phase II  WP 2300

Muñoz Sabater J., M. Dahoui, P. de Rosnay, L. Isaksen: Technical Note, Phase II, WP1100: "SMOS Monitoring Report number III: Dec-2011 - Dec-2012". ECMWF ESA/ESRIN Contract 4000101703/10/NL/FF/fk,  April 2013Muñoz-Sabater J., P. de Rosnay, C. Jimenez, L. Isaksen and C. Albergel: SMOS brightness temperatures angular noise: characterization, filtering and validation. ECMWF Technical Memorandum 715, December 2013, (pdf)

Pellarin T., P. de Rosnay, C. Albergel, S. Abdalla: Root-zone soil moisture index complementary validation at global scale based on triple collocation method. Comparison with State-Of-The-Art global scale root-zone soil moisture products. H-SAF Visiting Scientist Program HSAF_CDOP2_VS12_02. 2013 (pdf)


de Rosnay P., A. Fouilloux, D. Vasiljevic, L. Isaksen and J.-N. Thépaut: Two-metre temperature data assimilation issue in winter 2011-2012 in IFS cycle 37r3, ECMWF Research Memorandum RD33, November 2012, (pdf)



Albergel C., P. de Rosnay, C. Gruhier, J. Muñoz Sabater, S. Hasenauer, L. Isaksen, Y. Kerr, W. Wagner: Evaluation of remotely sensed and modelled soil moisture products using global ground-based in situ observations, ECMWF Technical Memorandum 652, October 2011, (pdf)

Albergel C., P. de Rosnay, G. Balsamo, L. Isaksen, J. Muñoz Sabater: Soil moisture analyses at ECMWF: evaluation using global ground-based in situ observations, ECMWF Technical Memorandum 651, October 2011, (pdf)

De Chiara G., P. de Rosnay, I. Mallas: Use of ASCAT wind: update of the sigma nought bias correction in IFS cycle 37r2, R43.8/PdR/11101, August 2011, (pdf)

de Rosnay P, G. De Chiara, I. Mallas: Use of ASCAT soil moisture: revised bias correction and test of improved ASCAT product in IFS cycle 37r2, R43.8/PdR/11100, August 2011, (pdf)

de Rosnay P, Drusch M., Balsamo G., Albergel C. and Isaksen L.: Extended Kalman Filter soil-moisture analysis in the IFS ECMWF Newsletter no 127, spring 2011, pp12-16, (pdf)

de Rosnay P, M. Dragosavac, L. Isaksen, E. Andersson, J. Haseler: Use of new snow data from Sweden in IFS cycle 36r4, R48.3/PdR/1139, March 2011, (pdf)

de Rosnay P: Use of ASCAT Level 2 Multi-parameter BUFR Product in operations in IFS cycle 36r4, R58.3/PdR/1128, February 2011, (pdf)

de Rosnay P., L. Isaksen, J.-N. Thépaut, G. balsamo, C. Albergel: Snow analysis status and potential future developments regarding the use of the GlobSnow products. R48.3/PdR/11111, September 2011

Muñoz Sabater J. and P. de Rosnay"SMOS report on noise filtering", Technical Note - Phase-II - WP1300 ESA/ESRIN Contract, 2011, (pdf)

Gruhier C., Albergel C., P. de Rosnay P., Hasenauer S. and Zeiner B. "Comparison between H-SAF large scale surface soil moisture, H-SAF assimilated soil moisture and SMOS level 2 soil moisture", H-SAF Associated Scientist Program SM VS11 02, December 2011, (pdf)

Muñoz Sabater J., de Rosnay P. and Fouilloux A.: Use of SMOS data at ECMWF; ECMWF Newsletter no 127, spring 2011, pp23-27, (pdf)

Muñoz Sabater J., Rosnay, M. Dahoui: SMOS continuous monitoring report - Part 1; February 2011 (pdf)

Muñoz Sabater J., M. Dahoui, P. de Rosnay, L. Isaksen: Technical Note, Phase II, WP1100: SMOS Monitoring Report; December 2011 (pdf)ECMWF ESA/ESRIN Contract 4000101703/10/NL/FF/fk, December 201

Muñoz Sabater J., T. Wilhelmsson, P. de Rosnay and L. Isaksen SMOS Report on data thinning - Technical Note - Phase II - WP1200; September 2011 (pdf)201


Balsamo G. and de Rosnay P: Introduction of a fix to snow density update and re-activation of satellite snow cover in DA experiments, ECMWF Research department memorandum , R48.3/GB/1006, January 2010 (pdf)


de Rosnay P., M. Drusch, T. Holmes, G. Balsamo, K. Scipal, E. Andersson, P. Bougeault, “ECMWF's contribution to the SMOS mission” European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Newsletter No 115, Spring 2008

Drusch, M., T. Holmes, P. de Rosnay and G. Balsamo: Comparing ERA-40 based L-band brightness temperatures with Skylab observations: A calibration / validation study using the Community Microwave Emission Model ECMWF Technical Memorandum 566, July 2008 (pdf)

Drusch, M., K. Scipal, P. de Rosnay, G. Balsamo, E. Andersson, P. Bougeault and P. Viterbo Exploitation of satellite data in the surface analysis, ECMWF Technical Memorandum 576, October 2008 (pdf)  


Boone, A. and de Rosnay, P., “ Toward the improved understanding of land-surface processes and coupling with the atmosphere over West Africa”, iLEAPS Newsletter 3, 2007


de Rosnay P., "Cours de Mathématiques du DEUG Sciences de la Vie." Univérsité Paris 13, 2000de Rosnay P., "Complément d'information sur les images satellites." Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens-Actualités Pédagoqiques. 94, 154, 2000.