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This icon is a plotting specification for Hovmøller diagram plots from a suitable GRIB data source. It can also take the output from a Hovmoeller Data icon as an input. In this case, a consistency check is performed between the parameters that are common to both icons.

In addition to the parameters required for the  Hovmøller the Hovmøller diagram computation, this icon specifies the axis details as well as the plot positioning in the plot frame of the display window / paper sheet and the overlay of different data units in the same plot.

To access the computed output values use the  icon Hovmoeller Data.

Further For further details on the role and usage of View icons in the visualisation process, please see Analysis Views.

The macro language equivalent is mhovmoellerview().


Specifies the type of the Hovmøller diagram to be produced. Options are:

  • Area Hovm     - diagram derived from an input rectangular area.
  • Line Hovm      - diagram derived from an input transect line.
  • Vertical Hovm - diagram derived from an input rectangular area and a set of levels.

Line (Line Hovm)

Specifies the coordinates of a transect line along which the Hovmøller diagram is calculated. Enter the coordinates (lat/long) of a line separated by a "/" (lat1/long1/lat2/long2). Alternatively, use the coordinate assist button.


Specifies the direction along which the averaging of the variable is performed. Options are North South and East West. For North South, the averaging is weighted by cos(latitude).

Time Axis Mode

Specifies the direction of the date/time axis. Options are:

  • User (default) - Left/bottom date is taken from the Date Min parameter and the right/top date is taken from the Date Max parameter.
  • Automatic Forwards - Date limits are taken from the data and plotted left to right or bottom to top.
  • Automatic Backwards - Date limits are taken from the data and plotted right to left or top to bottom.

Option Automatic Forwards has the same effect as option User with default Date Min and Date Max.

Date Min

Specifies the horizontal date minimum value. Default value AUTOMATIC indicates that the minimum value will be taken from the input data.


Specifies the characteristics of the time-series axis to be used in the plotting of the data. Only an Axis Plotting icon can be dropped here. The following axis parameters are defined by the application; therefore, users cannot should not change their values directly: Axis Type (set to Date), Axis Date Min Value and Axis Date Max Value (set according to the above parameters Date Min and Date Max, respectively), and Axis Orientation.


Specifies the characteristics of the geographical axis to be used in the plotting of the data. Only an Axis Plotting icon can be dropped here. The following axis parameters are defined by the application; therefore, users cannot should not change their values directly: Axis Min Value and Axis Max Value (set according to the values given by parameters Line or Area), Axis Type, Axis Tick Label Type and Axis Orientation. The Axis Type and Axis Tick Label Type parameter is parameters are defined according to the following rules:

a) if the selected input pane is Line Hovm, the Axis Type value is set to LatitudeGeoline.

b) if the selected input pane is Area Hovm and the Average Direction is East West, the Axis Type value is set to Regular and Axis Tick Label Type to Latitude.

c) if the selected input pane is Area Hovm and the Average Direction is North South, the Axis Type value is set to Regular and Axis Tick Label Type to Longitude.

Moreover, the Axis Orientation parameter is defined according to the following rules:


However, it is possible to change the Axis Orientation value from its calculated default by setting parameter Swap Axes to Yes.

Vertical Axis (Vertical Hovm)

Specifies the characteristics of the level-series axis to be used in the plotting of the data. Only an Axis Plotting icon can be dropped here. The following axis parameters are defined by the application; therefore, users should not change their values directly: Axis Min Value and Axis Max Value (set according to the input data set), Axis Type, Axis Tick Label Type and Axis Orientation.

Vertical Level Type (Vertical Hovm)

Specifies if a conversion from model level to pressure level needs to be performed. Options are As In Data and Pressure, If the conversion to pressure is selected and the input data is specified in model levels, the LNSP field should be added to the input data.

Vertical Scaling (Vertical Hovm)

Specifies the type of vertical axis - Linear or Logarithmic.

Excerpt Include
Common View Parameters
Common View Parameters