Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • CAMS-GLOB-ANT 5.3 (based on EDGAR 5, used in 48r1) has been replaced by CAMS-GLOB_ANT 6.1 (based on EDGAR 6 and 7)
  • CAMS-GLOB-BIO 3.1 climatology (as in 48r1 )  
  • CAMS-GLOB-Soils 2.4  (was "old" POET-based soil NOx)
  • CAMS-GLOVGLOB-VOLC-CLIM (2005-2021)  (was old climatology based on Carn et al., 2017) 
  • GFAS emissions fix to reduce NOx emissions in boreal regions and NH3 in tropical peat fire regions, to correct for outdated emission factors  


  • Updates to photolysis quantum yields and cross sections for selected trace gases in troposphere  
  • Tuning of ozone depletion modeling in the stratosphere
  • dry deposition scheme to use IFS stomatal resistance 
  • De-activation of dry deposition of CO
  • Lopez-lightning emission parameterisation for Lightning Nox NOx emissions  

Impact of the new cycle



The CAMS operational FTP server (ECPDS) will serve the most recent 3 days of test data, once the e-suite is running in near-real-time, in the directories "/DATA/CAMS_GLOBAL_TEST" and "/DATA/CAMS_EUROPE_BC_TEST" for global and regional boundary condition data, respectively.

In addition, surface level fields (model level 137) will be provided as individual files in the "/DATA/CAMS_GLOBAL_ADDITIONAL_TEST" directory. 

Users wanting to access the output from the current test system for a longer period can access the data from 1 September 2022 June 2023 onwards directly on MARS or through the Atmosphere Data Store. More details can be found here: Accessing CAMS 49r1 test data.
