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Geopointset is the format used by Metview to combine a set of Geopoints variables into a single entity for ease of processing. Thus, a set of observations can be grouped in the same way that fields are grouped into a fieldset variable. For a full list and details of functions and operators on geopoints, see Geopointset Functions.

Creating a geopointset

A geopointset can be created with the create_geo_set() function, which takes any number of geopoints variables as arguments, or none. Both geopoints and geopointset variables can be concatenated to with a geopointset.

Code Block
set1 = create_geo_set()             # creates an empty set
set2 = create_geo_set(g1, g2, g3)   # assuming that g1,g2,g3 are geopoints variables
set3 = set1 & g1 & g2               # set3 has 2 geopoints
set4 = set2 & set3                  # set4 has 5 geopoints

Operations on geopointsets

Accessing geopintset elements

The The count() function  function returns the number of geopoints variables contained by the set.

Use the indexing operator [] to access the geopoints variables contained in a set. For example:

Code Block
print(type(set4))    # geopointset
print(count(set4))   # 5
g1 = set4[1]         # extract the first item
print(type(g1))      # geopoints
print(count(g1))     # 244 (if there are 244 points in this geopoints variable)

Operations on geopointsets

As a geopointset is simply a container for geopoints variables, most operations on a geopointset are performed on each of its component geopoints. For example, the following line of code with return a new geopointset where each geopoints variable has had the cos() function applied to its values:

Code Block
cgset = cos(gset)

Operations between geopointsets and numbers are performed on each geopoints, e.g.

Code Block
gsetplus1 = gset + 1 # add 1 to each value in each geopoints var in gset

Operations between geopointsets are performed on each pair of geopoints, as can be performed between geopointsets and geopointsets, or geopointsets and fieldsets, as long as they both contain the same number of geopointsitems, or one geopoints variable. For example:

Code Block
gsetdiff = gset1 - gset2

If gset1 and gset2 both contain 5 geopoints, then 5 operations will be performed (gset1[1] - gset2[1], etc). If gset1 contains 1 geopoints, then the result will again be 5 geopoints - the difference between gset1[1] and gset2[1..5].

Operations between geopointsets and fieldsets are performed on each (geopoints, field) pair, as long as they both contain the same number of items, or one item. For example:

Code Block
fcobsdiff = fc_fieldset - obs_geoset

they contain exactly one item. Otherwise, if they contain a different number of items, the computation will fail.

For example, if gset_5a and gset_5b each contain 5 geopoints variables, the following code will add each pair of geopoints variables, giving a resulting geopointset of size 5:

Code Block
gsetsum_r1 = gset_5a + gset_5b  # gset_5b[n] is added to gset_5a[n]

If gset_1c contains a single geopoints variable, the following code will produce a geopointset with 5 items, the result of adding gset_1c[1] to each item in gset_5a:

Code Block
gsetsum_r2 = gset_5a + gset_1c  # gset_1c[1] is added to each gset_5a[n]

Likewise, geopointset/fieldset operations work the same way:

Code Block
gsetdiff_r1 = fc_fieldset_5 - gset_5a # gset_5a[n] is subtracted from fc_fieldset_5[n]
gsetdiff_r2 = fc_fieldset_5 - gset_1c # gset_1c[1] is subtracted from each field

Filtering a geopointset

Individual geopoints variables can contain meta-data - see Geopoints for details. To select only those geopoints variables with given meta-data, use the filter() function as described in Geopointset FunctionsIf fc_fieldset contains 5 fields and obs_geoset contains 5 geopoints, then the result will be a geopointset containing 5 geopoints variables - the differences between each pair of fields and geopoints. If either variable contains just one item, then it will be used for each calculation. Otherwise, if they contain a different number of items, the computation will fail.

The Geopointset file format


Code Block
# lat	lon	height	date		time	value
# Missing values represented by 3e+38 (not user-changeable)
 69.6523	18.9057	0	20130512	0	100869.8625
 63.4882	10.8795	0	20130512	0	100282.3392
 63.5657	10.694	0	20130512	0	100241.1666
 61.2928	5.0443	0	20130512	0	99852.18932
# lat	lon	height	date		time	value
# Missing values represented by 3e+38 (not user-changeable)
 60.82	23.5	0	20130512	600	101045.8
# lat	lon	height	date		time	value
# Missing values represented by 3e+38 (not user-changeable)
 55.01	8.41	0	20130513	0	100949.1809
 54.33	8.662	0	20130513	0	101027.9101
 53.71	7.15	0	20130513	0	100846.619
