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Simmons, A, H. Hersbach, J. Munoz-Sabater, J. Nicolas, F. Vamborg, P. Berrisford, P. de Rosnay, K. Willett, J. Woollen: "Low frequency variability and trends in surface air temperature and humidity from ERA5 and other datasets",  ECMWF Tech Memo 881, 2021 doi: 10.21957/ly5vbtbfd

Magnusson, L., S. Majumdar, R. Emerton, D. Richardson, M. Alonso-Balmaseda, C. Baugh, P. Bechtold, J.-R. Bidlot, A. Bonanni, M. Bonavita, N. Bormann, A. Brown, P. Browne, H. Carr, M. Dahoui, G. D. Chiara, M. Diamantakis, D. Duncan, S. English, R. Forbes, A. J. Geer, T. Haiden, S. Healy, T. Hewson, B. Ingleby, M. Janousek, C. Kuehnlein, S. Lang, S.-J. Lock, T. McNally, K. Mogensen, F. Pappenberger, I. Polichtchouk, F. Prates, C. Prudhomme, F. Rabier, P. de Rosnay, T. Quintino, and M. Rennie (2021). Tropical cyclone activities at ECMWF. ECMWF Tech. Memo. (888). doi:  10.21957/zzxzzygwv

Ingleby B., G. Arduini, G. Balsamo, S. Boussetta, K. Ochi, E. Pinnington, and P. de Rosnay: "Improved two-metre temperature forecasts in the 2024 upgrade", ECMWF Winter 2024 Newsletter, doi:

Salonen K., P. Weston, P.  de Rosnay: "Annual SMOS brightness temperature monitoring report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, February 2024 doi:10.21957/64e9d1fcec

Salonen K., P. Weston, P.  de Rosnay: "Quarter 4 2023: Operations Service Report", February 2024, 10.21957/78038dd521

K. Salonen, P. Weston, and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 1 2024: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG:

K. Salonen, P. Weston, and P de Rosnay: "Quality control plan for Brightness Temperature monitoring - 2024",


Blyverket J., A. Bakketun, P. Weston, E. Pinnington, J. Bojarova, P. de Rosnay, "Preliminary assessment of ensemble perturbation methods for the land-surface assimilation systems" CERISE HE project D1.1, December 2023,

Calvet J.-C., B. Bonan, O. RojasMunoz, A. Agusti-Panareda, P. de Rosnay, P. Weston, P. Peylin, C. Bacour, V. Bastrikov, F. Maignan, T. Kaminski, W. Knorr, M. Vossbeck, M. Scholze, "Demonstrator systems for using remote sensing data (LAI, VOD, SIF) in online global prior fluxes for the CO2MVS prototype", CoCO2 H2020 project D3.4, June 2023,

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 1 2023: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG

Weston P., K. Salonen, and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 2 2023: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG

Salonen, K., P. Weston and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 3 2023: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG

Weston, P. and P. de Rosnay: "Annual SMOS brightness temperature monitoring report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, February 2023 doi: 10.21957/e56872458b

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 4 2022: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, February 2023 doi:10.21957/503e0f62b9

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Multi-year SMOS brightness temperature monitoring", SMOS-E contract 4000125399/18/I-BG, February 2023, doi: 10.21957/02c8d9b572

WIGOS Newsletter article April 2023 New snow depth datasets available in real time, for NWP centres


A. Benedetti, G. Balsamo, S. Boussetta, F. Di Giuseppe, A. Inness, K. Ochi, P. de Rosnay, H. Zuo: "Use of ESA Climate Change Initiative data in ECMWF’s Earth system model" ECMWF Spring 2022 Newsletter article, p10,

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 4 2021: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, January 2022 doi:10.21957/cbh822cej

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 1 2022: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, April 2022 doi:10.21957/hbtm1mmc4

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 2 2022: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, July 2022 doi: 10.21957/1cc013cd69

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 3 2022: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, October 2022 doi: 10.21957/1557b16019

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "SMOS monitoring quality control baseline", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, April 2022


Simmons, A, H. Hersbach, J. Munoz-Sabater, J. Nicolas, F. Vamborg, P. Berrisford, P. de Rosnay, K. Willett, J. Woollen: "Low frequency variability and trends in surface air temperature and humidity from ERA5 and other datasets",  ECMWF Tech Memo 881, 2021 doi: 10.21957/ly5vbtbfd

Magnusson, L., S. Majumdar, R. Emerton, D. Richardson, M. Alonso-Balmaseda, C. Baugh, P. Bechtold, J.-R. Bidlot, A. Bonanni, M. Bonavita, N. Bormann, A. Brown, P. Browne, H. Carr, M. Dahoui, G. D. Chiara, M. Diamantakis, D. Duncan, S. English, R. Forbes, A. J. Geer, T. Haiden, S. Healy, T. Hewson, B. Ingleby, M. Janousek, C. Kuehnlein, S. Lang, S.-J. Lock, T. McNally, K. Mogensen, F. Pappenberger, I. Polichtchouk, F. Prates, C. Prudhomme, F. Rabier, P. de Rosnay, T. Quintino, and M. Rennie (2021). Tropical cyclone activities at ECMWF. ECMWF Tech. Memo. (888). doi:  10.21957/zzxzzygwv

Weston, P. and P. de Rosnay: "Annual SMOS brightness temperature monitoring report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, January 2021 doi:  10.21957/kbzamln6f

Weston, P. and P. de Rosnay: "Annual SMOS brightness temperature monitoring report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, November 2021 doi: 10.21957/lc3zcuvgn

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 1 2021: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, April 2021,  doi: 10.21957/bp7d12ws

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 2 2021: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, July 2021,  doi:10.21957/1s1hcs6bl

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 3 2021: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS Weston, P. and P. de Rosnay: "Annual SMOS brightness temperature monitoring report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, January October 2021 doi:  10.21957/kbzamln6f5j2zpdm6v

Weston, P. and P. de Rosnay: "Quarter 4 2020: Operations Service Report,  ESA SMOS ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, January /20/I-BG, January 2021, doi: 10.21957/ak85dkm53

Weston, P de Rosnay and S English: "GRDS test-bed report" May 2021, doi: 10.21957/ak85dkm53Weston 8kv6wj087


de Rosnay, P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 1 2021: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, April 2021,  doi: 10.21957/bp7d12ws

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 2 2021: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, Jul;y 2021,  doi:10.21957/1s1hcs6bl

Weston, P de Rosnay and S English: "GRDS test-bed report" May 2021, doi: 10.21957/8kv6wj087


de Rosnay, P., S.Pullen, and R. Nitu: Improvements in the reporting of ‘zero’ snow depth from SYNOP stations, WIGOS Newsletter Vol6(2), April 2020

Sandu, I., T. Haiden, G.  Balsamo, P. Schmederer, G. Arduini, GJ. Day, A. Beljaars, Z. Ben-Bouallegue, S. Boussetta, M. Leutbecher, L. Magnusson, P. de Rosnay: Addressing near-surface forecast biases: outcomes of the ECMWF project 'Understanding uncertainties in surface atmosphere exchange' (USURF), ECMWF Tech Memo 875, 2020

, S.Pullen, and R. Nitu: Improvements in the reporting of ‘zero’ snow depth from SYNOP stations, WIGOS Newsletter Vol6(2), April 2020

Sandu, I., T. Haiden, G.  Balsamo, P. Schmederer, G. Arduini, GJ. Day, A. Beljaars, Z. Ben-Bouallegue, S. Boussetta, M. Leutbecher, L. Magnusson, P. de Rosnay: Addressing near-surface forecast biases: outcomes of the ECMWF project 'Understanding uncertainties in surface atmosphere exchange' (USURF), ECMWF Tech Memo 875, 2020

Weston, P. and P. de Rosnay: "Quality control plan for Brightness Temperature monitoring", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, July 2020

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 1 2020: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, April 2020

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 2 2020: Operations Service Report", ESA Weston, P. and P. de Rosnay: "Quality control plan for Brightness Temperature monitoring", ESA  SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, July 2020

Weston P. and P de Rosnay: "Quarter 3 2020: Operations Service Report", ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG, October 2020 2020

Weston, P de Rosnay and S English: "GRDS test-bed plan" Nov 2020, 10.21957/h18ip7rud


de Rosnay, P. J. Muñoz-Sabater, C. Albergel, H. Lawrence, L. Isaksen, S. English: "ECMWF Final Report on SMOS brightness temperature activities over land: Monitoring and Data Assimilation", ESA ESA /ESRIN contract 4000101703/10/NL/FF/fk WP1400, March 2019 10.21957/gokq2iapv

de Rosnay P. and P. Weston: SMOS long-term assessment based on re-analyses: strategy and work plan", ESA contract 4000125399/18/I-BG, December 2019


Browne P., P. de Rosnay, S. Keeley, I. Mallas, K. Mogensen and J. Bidlot:  "OSTIA sea ice product change on 20 March 2017" ECMWF Research Memorandum RD17-095, 2017

Browne P., P. de Rosnay, I. Mallas, H. Zuo, K. Mogensen, M. Balmaseda: "OSTIA product change on 28 November 2017", ECMWF Research Memorandum, RD17-291, 2017

de Rosnay P., F. Pappenberger, H. Zuo and I Mallas: "ECMWF-CMEMS agreement on sea-level anomaly data", ECMWF Newsletter 151, Spring 2017


Rodriguez-Fernandez N.J., P. de Rosnay, C. Albergel, F. Aires, C. Prigent, P. Richaume, Y.H. Kerr, J. Muñoz-Sabater: "SMOS Neural Network Soil Moisture Data Assimilation". ESA /ESRIN contract 4000101703/10/NL/FF/fk WP4010, January 2017 (pdf)

S. Tietsche; M.A. Balmaseda; H. Zuo; P. de Rosnay: "Comparing Arctic winter sea-ice thickness from SMOS and ORAS5", ECMWF TechMemo 803, 2017
