Versions Compared


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    • The Gulf Stream does not separate correctly in the western North Atlantic leading to incorrect warming/cooling of some sea areas.
    • In shallow waters, rapid changes due to upwelling can takeplace take place close to land leading to incorrect sea-surface temperatures.
    • Sea temperatures and salinity may not be correct in coastal waters (where there may be fresh water and lower salinity).
    • Locally incorrect sea ice cover (e.g. the gulf of Finland tends to be relatively uniformly covered with sea ice of a set concentration, or just open water).
    • Summer meltponds melt-ponds in sea ice sheets should be retained longer as sea ice.
    • Spurious sea ice can also occur also in deep water.
    • Spurious areas of ice act as if an island causing reduction of wave heights downstream.
    • Observations are not used in regions where the model sea depth is less than 500m in order to avoid assimilating data on the continental shelves where the ocean model has poor representativeness.
