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45 min

G3W D reportGianpaolo Balsamo 

G3W Continuous education programmeGianpaolo Balsamo 
  • Explorative emails for a G3W Climate Policy training with Cambridge University
  • View file

G3W INFCOM-3 and EC-78Somyung Yeo 
  • Support Jitsuko on documents
  • Draft a G3W 2 pages narrative for EC-78

G3W Survey and G3W broadcastSomyung Yeo 
Prepare a Thank you message by   from g3w-gov to thr 700+ recipients in g3w-all following the message of the . The message is also an occasion to present our G3W micro-site (on confluence) and to mention Survey outcomes so far encouraging countries that have not yet replied.

From: Gianpaolo Balsamo <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2024 5:18:56 PM
To: Gianpaolo Balsamo <>
Subject: Global Greenhouse Gas Watch Implementation Plan Draft - Open for comments, until 31 January 2024

Dear Colleague,

As you may know, the World Meteorological Organization, the WMO has been given the mandate by the 19th World Meteorological Congress (Cg-19, May 2023) to develop an Implementation Plan for the Global Greenhouse Gas Watch – G3W, a new Flagship of the WMO.

We would like to express our gratitude to all contributors of the WMO Greenhouse Gas Study Group and to the drafting teams they have engaged.

A G3W implementation plan draft v1.0 with a G3W presentation v1.0 to guide the document navigation, are now available for public review, and also attached as files to this email.

We kindly ask you to examine and review this material. The G3W-team is going to analyse all comments received by the 31st of January 2024, to produce a consolidated version that can be translated into the 6 UN working languages, and be presented to the Intergovernmental bodies of the WMO (the INFCOM-3, in April 2024, and the 78thsession of the Executive Council, in June 2024).

On behalf of the G3W-Team, please let me thank you in advance for any feedback you may wish to provide, using the comments-form on the G3W implementation plan page

Yours sincerely,


Gianpaolo Balsamo

Director (he/him, Dr., Prof.) Global Greenhouse Gas Watch (G3W) / Infrastructure Department

World Meteorological Organization │ 7bis, avenue de la Paix, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland

Office: +41 22 730 8502

Website: Follow us on: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and X

CCAC MeetingOxana Tarasova 
Nairobi meeting page will collect notes from CCAC 

Holidays greetingsBin Qu 
G3W Mailing list with helpdesk

Action items

  •  Share notes with G3W Team