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Geopointset is the format used by Metview to combine a set of Geopoints variables into a single entity for ease of processing. Thus, a set of observations can be grouped in the same way that fields are grouped into a fieldset variable. For a full list and details of functions and operators on geopoints, see Geopointset Functions.

Creating a geopointset

A geopointset can be created with the create_geo_set() function, which takes any number of geopoints variables as arguments, or none. Both geopoints and geopointset variables can be concatenated to with a geopointset.

Code Block
set1 = create_geo_set()             # creates an empty set
set2 = create_geo_set(g1, g2, g3)   # assuming that g1,g2,g3 are geopoints variables
set3 = set1 & g1 & g2               # set3 has 2 geopoints
set4 = set2 & set3                  # set4 has 5 geopoints

Operations on geopointsets

Accessing geopintset elements

The The count() function  function returns the number of geopoints variables contained by the set.

Use the indexing operator [] to access the geopoints variables contained in a set. For example:

Code Block
print(type(set4))    # geopointset
print(count(set4))   # 5
g1 = set4[1]         # extract the first item
print(type(g1))      # geopoints
print(count(g1))     # 244 (if there are 244 points in this geopoints variable)

Operations on geopointsets

As a geopointset is simply a container for geopoints variables, most operations on a geopointset are performed on each of its component geopoints. For example, the following line of code with return a new geopointset where each geopoints variable has had the cos() function applied to its values:


Code Block
gsetdiff_r1 = fc_fieldset_5 - gset_5a # gset_5a[n] is subtracted from fc_fieldset_5[n]
gsetdiff_r2 = fc_fieldset_5 - gset_1c # gset_1c[1] is subtracted from each field

Filtering a geopointset

Individual geopoints variables can contain meta-data - see Geopoints for details. To select only those geopoints variables with given meta-data, use the filter() function as described in Geopointset Functions.

The Geopointset file format


Code Block
# lat	lon	height	date		time	value
# Missing values represented by 3e+38 (not user-changeable)
 69.6523	18.9057	0	20130512	0	100869.8625
 63.4882	10.8795	0	20130512	0	100282.3392
 63.5657	10.694	0	20130512	0	100241.1666
 61.2928	5.0443	0	20130512	0	99852.18932
# lat	lon	height	date		time	value
# Missing values represented by 3e+38 (not user-changeable)
 60.82	23.5	0	20130512	600	101045.8
# lat	lon	height	date		time	value
# Missing values represented by 3e+38 (not user-changeable)
 55.01	8.41	0	20130513	0	100949.1809
 54.33	8.662	0	20130513	0	101027.9101
 53.71	7.15	0	20130513	0	100846.619
