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Branch name: dap_CY42R1_t2m_vertical_struct_Lswitch
Control branch: dag_CY42R1_esuite
Note that this change only concerns observations for which the altitude is +/- 300m from the model grid point altitude. For more than 300m difference in the absolute value of the vertical distance between the model grid point and the observation, the observation is rejected, both in the control branch and in the revised branch.

1) Test the switch and BR when it is off:
Objective: Test that when we de-activate the use of the vertical structure function we get Bit-Identical results with the control branch from Gabor:
expid: gh9p (Tco639 dap_CY42R1_t2m_vertical_struct_Lswitch)   with L_VERT_CORR=.false
ctrl:    gh9h  (Tco639  dag_CY42R1_esuite) 
are bit-identical  on 2014060100-2014060112 
This shows that (i) the switch enables to switch off the use of the vertical structure function and (ii) the technical changes included in the branch are BI to the control dag branch.
2) Scientific evaluation when switch is on (use of vertical structure function):

CTRL: gh9h  (Tco639  dag_CY42R1_esuite), EXPT:  gh9i (Tco639 dap_CY42R1_t2m_vertical_struct_Lswitch)   20140601-20140930
CTRL: gh9q  (Tco639  dag_CY42R1_esuite), EXPT:  gh9r (Tco639 dap_CY42R1_t2m_vertical_struct_Lswitch)   20150601-20150930
For the EXPTs gh9i and gh9r the vertical correlation feedback was used (L_VERT_CORR=.true.) as specified by default in the script ssaana in /vol/ifs/sms

iver scores:
Winter (20150101 to 2015030920150330):  2 3 months and 9 days - expt still running:  

Summer (20140601 to 2014081520140831) 2.5 3 months - expt still running:
Impact summary:
  • Neutral impact for upper air analysis (also neutral OBSTAT differences).
  • Significant small impact very localised to near surface T2m (and to a lesser extent Tskin) and mainly in areas with orography (as expected):
    Andes, Himalaya, Alpes, and ice capes: Greenland and Antarctica.
  • Similar impact on T2m for winter/summer, day/night. 

Note that this change only concerns observations for which the altitude is +/- 300m from the model grid point elevation. Beyond 300m difference in vertical distance between th emodel grid point and the observation, the observation is rejected, both in the control and in the experiments in winter and summer.

Illustration of the near surface impact for winter (similar impact for summer, see iver links above) for Tskin and T2m:


Day (T+12) and Night (T+24):

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