Versions Compared


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titleFixed issues table

Fixed issues number

Issue typeWrong DataRecovery period
(some data could still be wrong)
Recovery Finished
(all the data has been fixed)
E1.WEB-API retrievals
  • Monthly statistics of wind speed (param=207) from the MetOffice seasonal forecast system (origin=egrr):
    • stream=msmm, type=em/hcmean/fcmean/fcmin/fcmax/fcstd
    • stream=mmsa, type=em/fcmean
  • Start dates: 2017-09-01, 2017-10-01 and 2017-11-01

between 2017/11/24 at 11:00 GMT and 2017/11/28 at 12:00 GMT

after 2017/11/28 at 12:00 GMT


CDS retrievals
(forms and API) & WebAPI retrievals

  • Pressure variables data from GCFS2.0-v20171123 (DWD GCFS2.0) data
    • Affects data from monthly and daily CDS catalogue entries for start date 2011-06-01 and member=13
    • All variables (including 'single-level') have been substituted during the recovery process

between 2019/03/12 at 11:30 GMT and 2019/03/12 at 12:05 GMT

after 2019/03/12 at 12:05 GMT


CDS retrievals
(forms and API)

Monthly statistics and anomalies data are temporarily not available for the following systems and dates:
NOTE that high-frequency data in the "daily" CDS catalogue entries are not affected

UK MetOffice (system=14): November hindcasts (1993-2016)

between 2019/10/25 at 11:00 GMT and 2019/10/25 at 12:00 GMTafter 2019/10/25 at 12:00 GMT

CDS retrievals
(forms and API) & WebAPI retrievals

Snowfall amount from CMCC-CM2-v20160423 (CMCC SPSv3) data:
  • Affects all data from monthly and daily CDS catalogue entries
    • Start dates:
      • all November start dates for hindcasts (1993-2016)

between 2019/11/07 at 11:00 GMT and 2019/11/07 at 17:00 GMT

after 2019/11/07 at 17:00 GMT


CDS retrievals

(forms and API) & WebAPI retrievals

Snowfall amount from CMCC-CM2-v20160423 (CMCC SPSv3) data:
  • Affects all data from monthly and daily CDS catalogue entries
    • Start dates:
      • all December and January start dates for hindcasts (1993-2016)
between 2019/11/25 at 11:00 GMT and 2019/11/25 at 14:00 GMTafter 2019/11/25 at 14:00 GMT

CDS retrievals

(forms and API) & WebAPI retrievals

Snowfall amount from CMCC-CM2-v20160423 (CMCC SPSv3) data:

  • Affects all data from monthly and daily CDS catalogue entries
    • Start dates:
      • November 2018 real-time forecast.
  • It also affects monthly anomalies CDS catalogue entry
    • Start dates: 2018-11-01
between 2019/11/27 at 17:00 GMT and 2019/11/27 at 18:00 GMTafter 2019/11/27 at 18:00 GMT

CDS retrievals

(forms and API) & WebAPI retrievals

Snowfall amount from CMCC-CM2-v20160423 (CMCC SPSv3) data:

  • Affects monthly anomalies CDS catalogue entry
    • Start dates: 2018-12-01,  2019-01-01
between 2019/11/28 at 16:20 GMT and 2019/11/29 at 13:00 GMTafter 2019/11/29 at 13:00 GMT

CDS retrievals
(forms and API)

Monthly statistics and anomalies data are temporarily not available for the following systems and dates:
NOTE that high-frequency data in the "daily" CDS catalogue entries are not affected

NCEP CFSv2: November hindcasts (1993-2016)

after 2019/12/13 at 12:00 GMT

CDS retrievals

(forms and API)

Monthly statistics and anomalies data are temporarily not available for the following systems and dates:
NOTE that high-frequency data in the "daily" CDS catalogue entries are not affected

NCEP CFSv2: October  hindcasts (1993-2016) and real-time forecasts for October and November 2019

after 2020/01/08 at 00:00 GMT
E7.CDS retrievals

Missing members from CFSv2-v20110310 (NCEP CFSv2) data.

It affects all data available in the high-frequency (daily/subdaily) datasets:

Members with start time at 06h,12h and 18h are not being retrieved from the archive by the CDS and just members with start time at 00h are returned

between 2020/05/15 at 15:45 GMT
and 2020/05/15 at 16:30 GMT

after 2020/05/15 at 16:30 GMT

E7b.CDS retrievals

Missing members from CFSv2-v20110310 (NCEP CFSv2) data.

It affects all data available in the high-frequency (daily/subdaily) datasets:

Members with start time at 06h,12h and 18h are not being retrieved from the archive by the CDS and just members with start time at 00h are returned.

This issue affects retrievals done after the release of the October 2020 forecast, which happened at 12UTC on the 13th of October 2020.

after 2020/10/25 at 16:15 GMT
E9.CDS retrievals

2m dewpoint temperature from System8-v20210101 (Méteo-France System8):

It affects:

Sporadic values of 1.e+20 in individual grid points on the 6-hourly original data. Note this affected a very reduced amount of grid points and time steps.

This issue affects retrievals done after the release of the October hindcasts which happened on the 16th of September of 2021.

between 2021/10/12 at 12:00 GMT and 2021/10/12 at 15:30 GMT.

after 2021/10/12 at 15:30 GMT
E12.CDS retrievals

DWD's July 2024 forecast contained an error at the time of its original publication; this error affected all variables in one ensemble member. The error has been corrected, the whole ensemble re-run and the correct data archived to replace the originally published data.

between 2024/07/10 at 12:00 UTC and 2024/07/16 at 13:00 UTC

after 2024/07/16 at 13:00 UTC


titleData irregularities table

Known issue numberCentreForecast or hindcastDescription
(all systems)

MetOffice real-time component is designed to produce a constant number of members each start date (see Description of the C3S seasonal multi-system).

In those rare occasions when the MetOffice is not able to produce some of the expected members for a given start date, the affected members will be missing. Instead of re-running precisely those missing members, the MetOffice system schedules the run on a later start date of as many additional members as they were missing.

The following table records all the occurrences of this irregularity by listing the dates when some members are missing (and how many of them) and the dates when additional members were produced.

SystemMissing membersAdditional members 

Start date

Start date


This document has been produced in the context of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).

The activities leading to these results have been contracted by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, operator of C3S on behalf of the European Union (Delegation agreement signed on 11/11/2014). All information in this document is provided "as is" and no guarantee or warranty is given that the information is fit for any particular purpose.

The users thereof use the information at their sole risk and liability. For the avoidance of all doubt, the European Commission and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts have no liability in respect of this document, which is merely representing the author's view.
