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titleENS Spaghetti Map Example
#Metview Macro

#  **************************** LICENSE START ***********************************
#  Copyright 2020 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms
#  of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not
#  waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as
#  an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
#  ***************************** LICENSE END ************************************

# read the ENS forecast
z = read("z850_ens.grib")

# define contour line for pf
cont_pf = mcont(
    contour_label: "off",
    contour_level_selection_type: "level_list",
    contour_level_list: 125,
    contour_line_colour: "blue",
    contour_highlight: "off",
    grib_scaling_of_derived_fields: "on"

# define contour line for cf
cont_cf = mcont(
    contour_line_colour: "red",
    contour_line_thickness: 3

# define coastline
coast = mcoast(
    map_coastline_land_shade        : "on",
    map_coastline_land_shade_colour : "grey",
    map_coastline_sea_shade         : "on",
    map_coastline_sea_shade_colour  : "RGB(0.8944,0.9086,0.933)",
    map_coastline_thickness         :  2,
    map_boundaries                  : "on",
    map_boundaries_colour           : "charcoal",
    map_label                       : "off",
    map_grid_colour                 : "RGB(0.6, 0.6, 0.6)", 
    map_grid_longitude_increment    : 10

# define map view
view = geoview(
    map_area_definition : "corners",
    area                : [40,-18,60,10],
    coastlines : coast
# define the output plot file
setoutput(pdf_output(output_name : 'ens_spag'))   
# build the plot    
plt_lst = nil

# perturbed forecasts
for i=1 to 50 do
    f = read(data:z, type:"pf", number:i)
    # define title (this solution prevents the title
    # from appearing 51 times in the plot!!)
    title = mtext(text_line_1:"Z 850 hPa Value: 125 dkm T+<grib_info key='step' where='number=50' /> h", 
              text_font_size:0.5 )
    plt_lst = plt_lst & [f, cont_pf]
end for

# control forecast
cf = read(data:z, type:"cf")
plt_lst = plt_lst & [cf, cont_cf]

# define title (this solution prevents the title
# from appearing 51 times in the plot!!)
title = mtext(text_line_1:"Z 850 hPa Value: 125 dkm T+<grib_info key='step' where='number=50' /> h", 
              text_font_size:0.5 )

# generate the plot
plot(view, plt_lst, title)

Tabs Page

Code Block
titleENS Spaghetti Map Example
import metview as mv

#  **************************** LICENSE START ***********************************
#  Copyright 2020 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms
#  of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not
#  waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as
#  an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
#  ***************************** LICENSE END ************************************

# read the ENS forecast
z ="z850_ens.grib")

# define contour line for pf
cont_pf = mv.mcont(

# define contour line for cf
cont_cf = mv.mcont(

# define coastline
coast = mv.mcoast(
    map_coastline_land_shade        = "on",
    map_coastline_land_shade_colour = "grey",
    map_coastline_sea_shade         = "on",
    map_coastline_sea_shade_colour  = "RGB(0.8944,0.9086,0.933)",
    map_coastline_thickness         =  2,
    map_boundaries                  = "on",
    map_boundaries_colour           = "charcoal",
    map_label                       = "off",
    map_grid_colour                 = "RGB(0.6, 0.6, 0.6)", 
    map_grid_longitude_increment    = 10

# define map view
view = mv.geoview(
    map_area_definition = "corners",
    area                = [40,-18,60,10],
    coastlines = coast
# define the output plot file
mv.setoutput(mv.pdf_output(output_name = 'ens_spag'))   
# generate the plot    

# perturbed forecasts
pf = []

# perturbed forecasts
for i in range(1,51):
    f =, type="pf", number=i)

# control forecast
cf =, type="cf")
# define title (this solution prevents the title
# from appearing 51 times in the plot!!)
title=mv.mtext(text_line_1="Z 850 hPa Value: 125 dkm T+<grib_info key='step' where='number=50' /> h", 
               text_font_size=0.5 )

mv.plot(view, pf, cont_pf, 
        cf, cont_cf, title)
