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  • logarithm of surface pressure (lnsp)

    Code Block
    titleExample to download ERA5 lnsp data for a given area at a regular lat/lon grid in NetCDF format
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import cdsapi
    c = cdsapi.Client()
    c.retrieve('reanalysis-era5-complete', { # Requests follow MARS syntax
                                             # Keywords 'expver' and 'class' can be dropped. They are obsolete
                                             # since their values are imposed by 'reanalysis-era5-complete'
        'date'    : '2013-01-01',            # The hyphens can be omitted
        'levelist': '1',                     # 1 is top level, 137 the lowest model level in ERA5. Use '/' to separate values.
        'levtype' : 'ml',
        'param'   : '152',                   # Full information at
                                             # The native representation for temperature is spherical harmonics
        'stream'  : 'oper',                  # Denotes ERA5. Ensemble members are selected by 'enda'
        'time'    : '00/to/23/by/6',         # You can drop :00:00 and use MARS short-hand notation, instead of '00/06/12/18'
        'type'    : 'an',
        'area'    : '80/-50/-25/0',          # North, West, South, East. Default: global
        'grid'    : '1.0/1.0',               # Latitude/longitude. Default: spherical harmonics or reduced Gaussian grid
        'format'  : 'netcdf',                # Output needs to be regular lat-lon, so only works in combination with 'grid'!
    }, '')            # Output file. Adapt as you wish.

  • a(n) and b(n) coefficients defining the model levels; these are included in the GRIB header of each model level GRIB message and are also tabulated here.

The model half-level pressure (p_half), illustrated in Figure 2, is given by:
