Versions Compared


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  • When the temporally summed JJA (June, July, and August) total precipitation for a Member State country is below the 10th 10th percentile, estimated over the reference period 1991-2020.

Note that the temporal averaging/summation is done for all grid points within a Member State’s boundaries, after which the spatial median value (50th percentile) is taken to estimate the exceptional (below threshold) values described aboveused for producing the data used in the application.

The application automatically updates its data in the month following the end of the required season. For the JFM temperature, this is on day 30 of April. For the JJA precipitation it is day 30 of September.


The application presents an interactive map of Europe the EU displaying the representative mean temperature and representative total precipitation for each Member State (Figure 1, left panel). The variable to be displayed is selected via a dropdown menu situated above the map. The representative temperature is the temporally averaged and spatial median temperature described in the previous section. Likewise, the representative total precipitation is the temporal sum and spatial median precipitation value described above. A time slider positioned at the bottom of the map frame allows the user to manually select a required year or automatically scroll through each year in the period (1991-2021).


  • Mean temperature (Jan-Feb-Mar)/ Total precipitation (Jun-Jul-Aug) – the default map selection - displays the representative variable from the dropdown menu for the selected year in the time slider.
  • Threshold (10th percentile) – displays the 10th percentile value for each Member State for the selected year in the time slider.
  • Below threshold – a binary display showing the Member States falling below the threshold for the selected year in the time slider.
  • Proximity to threshold  – shows for each year the difference between the variable and the threshold. This layer displays how far each Member State is from the threshold value for the selected year in the time slider.


Clicking on a Member State in the interactive map will open a detailed view for that Member State and present a timeseries graph – line- or bar-graph depending on the variable selected (Figure 1, right panel). The graph presents the representative values calculated for each year together with the threshold identified by the 10th percentile (red line). The exceptionally cold winters are identified by the red data points and are situated below the threshold line.
