Versions Compared


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This page contains a few rules on the UERRA parameters. A complete list of all the parameters and GRIB2 encoding is given here.

Table of Contents



parameter rules


  • All fields shall use units as defined in GRIB Edition 2. The exact definition for each parameter is linked in Parameter page

Output frequency, levels for an/fc


  • All accumulations shall start from the beginning of the forecast
  • The initial state (forecast step zero) must not be included (as it should be 0 value field by definition)


  • Instantaneous fields shall be archived with a frequency defined here for each group of parameters and forecast type.

Parameters archived since previous post-processing

  • Some parameters (2m tmin/tmax, 10m wind gust) shall be archived with varying length of time range intervals (:
    0-1/1-2/2-3/4-5/5-6/6-9/9-12/../27-30 as per here)
    Find further in this page GRIB2 files examples including header outputs etc


  • The flux sign convention will be is positive downwards.
  • Positive evaporation represents condensation.


Grid and resolution

  • Each partner will provide their eps data on their native grid.
  • Grids are defined in GRIB2 using an accuracy of 1/1000000 (one millionth) of a degree.


Ensemble type of



  • Ensemble member numbering must start from 1

Model levels

  • Model level numbering must start from 1
  • The Control Forecast must be number 0,
  • The number of members is identical to the number of all EPS members plus the Control Forecast.

GRIB2 encoding

ECMWF encoding/decoding Software
