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Specifies the type of the gridded output fields. The possible values are:

  • none (no gridded output)


  • conc (concentration)


  • mixr (mass mixing ratio)


  • both (concentration and mass mixing ratio)

. The default value is conc. 


Specifies the location of the user defined species files. Both an absolute and relative path can be given here. If it is left blank (this is the default value (the string AS_MV_FLEXPART_SPECIES) is used or left blank Metview will use the MV_FLEXPART_SPECIES environment variable to locate the species.  


Specifies the concentration units of the released species. The possible options are mass (mass concentration) and mixr (mass mixing ratio). The default value is mass. 


Specifies the concentration units at the receptor. For forward simulations this the units of the output concentrations. For backward simulations ????? The possible options are mass (mass concentrations) and mixr (mass mixing ratio). The default value is mass. 


Specifies the list of receptor site longitudes. The default value is an empty list.


Age Classes

Specifies the list of times for the age class calculation. The entries specify the of height levels of the gridded output. The levels are given in metres units. The default value is an empty list.If it is left blank (this is the default value) no age class is defined.  

Particle Splitting Constant


Enables the calculation of age spectra (on or off).  If it is on Ageclasses Age Classes must be defined. The default value is off.


Specifies the list of height levels of the gridded output. The levels are given in metres units. The default value is an empty list.

Domain Fill

he first box specified in file RELEASES is used

    as the domain where domain-filling trajectory calculations are to be done.

    Particles are initialized uniformly distributed (according to the air mass

    distribution) in that domain at the beginning of the simulation, and are

    created at the boundaries throughout the simulation period.

Specifies the list of height levels of the gridded output. The levels are given in metres units. The default value is an empty list.
