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Some sms child commands (meter, event) have a query option. ecFlow relies on the job using ‘ecflow_client –get=<path>’ to obtain the same information:

SMS commands
ecflow equivalent
smsecflow_serversms -b: detach the server from session nohup ecflow_server > out 2>&1 &:
smsabortecflow_client –abort =<reason> ecflow provides a reason which can be made visible in the GUI
smsalive<none>task heart-bit, not used at the centre
smscompletreecflow_client –complete 
smsdate<none>not a child command - date manipulation utility, not part of ecflow
smsdie<none>clean RPC port not needed with ecflow
smsevent <name>ecflow_client –event=<name> 
smsinit $PIDecflow_client –init=<rid>restricted to integer for SMS (use smsrid for string)
smslabel <name> <string>ecflow_client –label=<n> <s> 
smsmeter <name> <step>ecflow_client –meter=<n> <s> 
smsmsg <string tokens>ecflow_client –msg=<string> 
smspingecflow_client –ping 
smsrand<none>not a child command, used to introduce random task runtime, in test mode, for sms
smsrid <string><none>ecflow_client –init is used with string job id
smsstatus <node path><none>ecflow_client –get=<path> can be used to get node state
smsvariable <string> <value><none>variable is only updated by SMS, not created, and it must belong to the node ecflow_client –get=<path> can be used to get variable value, create or update any variable
smswait <trigger expression>ecflow_client –wait=<string> 

sms expects string tokens, builds up the related tree, checks its value on the server,
