Versions Compared


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Specifies the type of the gridded output fields. The possible values are:

for forward simulations:

  • none (no gridded output)
  • conc (concentration)
  • mixr (mass mixing ratio)
  • both (concentration and mass mixing ratio)

for backward simulations:

  • none (no gridded output)
  • rtime (residence time/response function)

The default value is conc. . For more details about gridded output click here.

Output Flux

Specifies if the fluxes should be computed and written out as a gridded output (on or off). Fluxes corresponding to northward, southward, eastward, westward, upward and downward directions are calculated for each grid cell of the output grid.The control surfaces are placed in the middle of each output grid cell. The default value is off. For more details about flux output click here.

Output Trajectory

Specifies if the plume trajectories should be computed (on or off). The default value is off.  For more details about trajectory output click here.

Output Area

Specifies the area for the gridded output in degrees in S/W/N/E format. The default value is  -90/-180/90/180.


Specifies the list of the species released for the simulation. At all the release locations the same species are emitted. The species are identified by the NNN number (with leading zeros) appearing in the the name of the SPECIES_NNN files. These files contain the physical and chemical properties of species. For more details about the species click here.


Simulation DirectionRelease UnitsReceptor Units
keywordunitskeywordunits in gridded (grib) output concentration fields (generated when Output Field Type = conc or bothis not set to "none")
Forwardmasskgmasskg m**-3
Forwardmasskgmixrkg kg**-1
Forwardmixr1masskg m**-3
Forwardmixr1mixrkg kg**-1
Backwardmass1mixrs m**3 kg**-1
Backwardmixr1masss kg m**-3


Specifies the concentration units at the receptor. For forward simulations this the units of the output concentration grib fields generated. For backward simulations ????? The possible options are mass (mass concentrations) and mixr (mass mixing ratio). The default value is mass. See the table above to find out what the actual units mean.


Enables the usage of receptor sites (on or off). When it is enabled the list of receptor sites can be defined via Receptor Names, Receptor Latitudes and Receptor Longitude. The default value is off. For more details about receptor output click here.

Receptor Names

Specifies the list of receptor site names.The default value is an empty list.


  • none
  • full: in this mode the the particles are not released at specific locations but the 3D-volume of the first release is taken and the particles are uniformly distributed in the volume proportionally to air density.Each particle will receive the same mass, altogether accounting for the total atmospheric mass. Subsequently, particles can move freely in the atmosphere.
  • o3_tracer: in this mode domain-filling is to simulate a stratospheric ozone tracer. This option is similar to fill option, but only particles in the stratosphere (defined by PV < 2 pvu) are released.


  • .

Dump Particle Position

Enables dumping the particle positions. The possible values are none, output (at every output time) and end (only at the end of the simulation). The default value is none.


Enables computing sensitivity to initial conditions in backward simulations. The possible values are none, mass (mass concentration units) or mixr (mass mixing ratio units). The default value is none.