
I'm running OpenIFS (Cy40r1) for 2007, and it uses prescribed SST, which I believe comes from monthly EraInterim climo.

Is it possible to run the model in a coupled fashion so that SST is generated and not taken from climo?




  1. Unknown User (nagc)

    Hi Marston,

    You need to talk to the EC-Earth guys for that. We don't supply OpenIFS with the coupled ocean model.

    Cheers,  Glenn

  2. Hi Glenn,

    That's not good news. EC-Earth is years away from incorporating OpenIFS into the model.
    Is there no other way to increase the variability in the Tropics?



    1. Unknown User (nagc)

      I believe EC-Earth have a version of OpenIFS 40r1 running. Check with them.

      Otherwise, the best option would be to apply for time on the ECMWF system as a special topic and use IFS directly.

      Cheers,  Glenn

      1. I'll check with the EC-Earth guys tomorrow.

        Thanks Glenn.



        1. Unknown User (nagc)

          Or you could ask someone nicely here who you collaborate with  (but not me :)

          1. Haha...I'll ask Alan Geer, if he has time. When you say log in on ECMWF, is there a version of OpenIFS that is coupled there?

            1. Unknown User (nagc)

              No, there is no coupled version of OpenIFS at ECMWF. Only EC-Earth have implemented the OASIS coupler into OpenIFS.

              There's little point including the coupler for OpenIFS at ECMWF when the IFS is available.

              We may look at providing an interface to the OASIS coupler for the next release but we don't have the resource to provide & support the ocean model with OpenIFS.

              Cheers,  Glenn

              1. Ok. Got it! I'll check with the EC-Earth guys.
