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Flood summary layers

A key product of the service refers to the reporting points (that can be found under the Flood Summary layer; see the red square in the figure below) providing information (including probabilities) on the exceedance levels for different points.

The reporting points in the EFAS map viewer (left) and the corresponding colours depending on exceedance of a return period threshold (right).

Hydrological layers

The Hydrological layers menu provides information on return period exceedance per LISFLOOD grid cell. All four types of forecasts (two deterministic and two probabilistic) are available. The probabilistic ones are provided for two return period thresholds (5- and 20-year RP) and visualised as categorized probabilities, whereas the deterministic shows the maximum threshold exceeded for each grid cell.

The Hydrological menu with the available layers.

Initial condition layers

Within the EFAS-IS, one can find information of the initial hydrological and meteorological conditions which are estimated directly from either observations or the hydrological model or satellite data (see Figure 7). More information about the initial conditions can be found here.

The Initial Conditions menu with the available layers.

Flash flood layers

EFAS is also providing information on flash floods. This can be found in the Flash Flood menu and particularly after selecting the ERIC reporting points layer.

The ERIC reporting points layer indicating probabilities for flash flooding.

Note that the information about flash flooding can also be presented as maps showing the affected area (see example below).

The affected area based on the ERIC values (flash flooding).

For the ERIC reporting points, the number placed near the triangle indicates the % of COSMO-LEPS members (20 in total) exceeding the 5-year return period threshold. The triangles can have different colour and size depending on the (probability of the) threshold exceedance and lead time. More information on the ERIC points is available here. Information about the scientific evaluation of the ERIC product can be found here.

Static layers

The static layers menue contains mostly auxiliary layers easing vizualisation and interpretation of the information presented in the EFAS IS. For example, the LISFLOOD drainage network and the Catchments layer presented together with the Major Rivers layer allow for a better orientation on the map.

The Static layers menu with the available layers.

Evaluation layers

EFAS provides to the users information on the historical model performance presented at the catchment scale or at the stations that hydrological data are available. 

The hydrological model performance (in terms of the Kling-Gupta Efficiency) presented at the catchment scale.

The user also has access to figures generated for each gauged catchment presenting the model performance. Details can be found here, while an example is given below.

Example of hydrological model performance for a specific station. The performance is assessed using different metrics.

EFAS also provides the forecasting skill (in terms of the Continuous Ranked Probability Skill Score, CRPSS) indicating the lead time (in days) that forecasts are skillful and >0.5 (see Figure 10). More information can be found here.

The hydrological forecast skill (in terms of the CRPSS) presented at the locations that hydrological data are available.

Meteorological layers

Similar as for the Hydrological layers, the Meteorological layers menu provides information on the forecasted precipitation for each single forecast (two deterministic and two probabilistic) accumulated over the whole forecast range for a specific type of forecast. Deterministic forecasts are presented as absolute values whereas the probabilistic ones are visualised with percentages.

The Meteorological menu with the available layers.

Precipitation animations

In addition to the accumulated precipitation amounts presented under the Meteorological layers menu (see above), the precipitation amounts for the two probabilistic forecasts (COSMO and ECMWF) can be visualised as precipitation animations as well. The animation is opened in a pop-up window. 

The Precipitation animation menu.

Map active EFAS notifications

In the example below, one can select the Enable/disable notifications on map in order to see the notifications (formal, informal, flash flood) that are ongoing on the selected date.

Highlighting the flood notifications.

Map feedback

Similar to the notifications, even the feedback that was provided for a certain notification can be visualized on the map. Note that you will have to navigate to the date the notification has been issued. Clicking on the star in the map, a small pop-up window shows the score for the notification and some additional information. 

Information shown when feedback markers are enabled.

This is a map visualisation of the feedback that has been provided through the EFAS partners. One can also look at the feedback in a list or calendar view (compare section 5.3.1). 

Map/report missed event

As for the feedback provided, the reported missed events can be visualised in the Map Viewer as well. Please note that also in this case the user needs to navigate to the date when the missed event was reported. 

Information shown when missed event markers are enabled.

To report a missed event, the user can click on the drop symbol to the upper right (). Further information on the reporting of missed events can be found in section 4.4.2.

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