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Using the grib_api tools


You will find some example data in $SCRATCH/ectrain/trx/openifs or you can use output from one of your own experiments.  Let's play !

Getting help with the tools

Running any of the GRIB API tools without options or input files will produce a UNIX 'man page' style output describing the usage.  Try:

getting help

Listing the contents of GRIB files

An inventory of the contents of GRIB files can be obtained with the grib_ls command.

  1. For a single file, try:

    grib_ls ICMGGepc8+000000
  2. Multiple files:

    grib_ls ICMGG*
  3. Counting the number of messages in a file

    grib_count ICMGGepc8+000000

Customising the output of grib_ls

  1. Specifying the information to display:

    grib_ls -p dataDate,dataTime,stepRange,shortName,typeOfLevel,level ICMGGepc8+000000
  2. Specifying the type of key (s: string, i: integer).  To output the centre as a string (default):

    grib_ls -p centre:s ICMGGepc8+000000

    or as an integer:

    grib_ls -p centre:i ICMGGepc8+000000
  3. Listing specific namespace information.  Try:

    grib_ls -n parameter ICMGGepc8+000000


    grib_ls -n statistics ICMGGepc8+000000

    Other namespaces to try are time, vertical and geography.

  4. Order the output.  Try:

    grib_ls -B "level desc" ICMSHepc8+000000

    Compare and contrast with:

    grib_ls -B "level:i desc" ICMSHepc8+000000
  5. The where option:  IS

    grib_ls -w shortName=stl1 ICMGGepc8+000000

    IS NOT

    grib_ls -w shortName!=stl1 ICMGGepc8+000000


    grib_ls -w shortName=stl1/z ICMGGepc8+000000


    grib_ls -w shortName=q,level=10 ICMGGepc8+000000
  6. Specifying the step unit.  Compare the output from:

    grib_ls -n time ICMGGepc8+000000


    grib_ls -s stepUnits=m -n time ICMGGepc8+000012

    The stepUnits can be set to s,m,h,3h,6h,12h,D,M,Y,10Y,30Y or C.  The result must be expressible as an integer (try setting stepUnits=D above). This is a temporary change for display purposes only !


Obtaining detailed information about a GRIB message with grib_dump

  1. To print all of the keys available for a particular GRIB message:

    grib_dump -w shortName=stl1 ICMGGepc8+000012
  2. To obtain a listing which is more like the WMO tables:

    grib_dump -O -w shortName=stl1 ICMGGepc8+000012
  3. To obtain more detail:

    grib_dump -OatH -w shortName=stl1 ICMGGepc8+000012




Resources and further reading

  1. The WMO FM 92 GRIB Manuals can be obtained from
  2. The ECMWF GRIB API manual is available at
  3. ECMWF parameter database:
  4. GRIB 1 keys
  5. GRIB 2 keys
  6. Edition independent keys 
  7. The GRIB API Tools are documented at GRIB tools
  8. Details of the GRIB API Fortran 90 interface:Fortran package grib_api
  9. Example Python scripts and Fortran 90 and C programs can be found at GRIB API examples
  10. ECMWF GRIB API training course material: GRIB API: Library and Tools


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