COPE (Continuous Observation Processing Environment) and BUFR2ODB converter use ODB API to encode/decode observation data
Observational feedback archive uses ODB API and its data format to encode data, build index (MARS server) and (optionally) filter retrieved data on the fly (MARS client)
ECMWF Researchers use ODB API command line tools and Python or Fortran bindings to examine observational feedback data archived by their experiments in MARS
ODB API is used by ECMWF visualisation software, Metview and Magics, to decode and filter observational feedback data
OBSTAT uses ODB API to compute statistics of observational feedback data
ODB API is also used to compute statistics of observational feedback data produced by C3S reanalysis
MetOffice and Unified Model community
Unified Model (UM) Community, lead by the Met Office, uses ODB API as part of their Observation Processing System (OPS). UM Community includes: UK MetOffice, India Meteorological Department, Korean Meteorological Administration, Australian Bureau of Meteorology and Naval Research Laboratory.
HIRLAM community uses ODB API as part of their cooperation with ECMWF on the development of COPE system.