

Statistics for the  entire archiving period since 2006-01-01

Archive size [PiB]

SELECT  to_char(Grand_total/1024^5, 'FM999,999,999,990.999') FROM mars_dataset_details
WHERE name = 'tigge' ORDER BY Date DESC LIMIT 1

Number of  fields

SELECT  to_char(Number_of_fields, 'FM999,999,999,990.999') FROM mars_dataset_details
WHERE name = 'tigge' ORDER BY Date DESC LIMIT 1

Statistics for the period since 2014-01-01

Number of active users

SELECT count(DISTINCT auth_user.username) as "Total number of users" FROM  auth_user
   RIGHT JOIN users_stats_monthly ON users_stats_monthly.username = auth_user.username
     WHERE users_stats_monthly.dataset='tigge-global' and users_stats_monthly.month>=date'2006-01-01'
AND  auth_user.username IN (
      SELECT username                        
      FROM  users_stats_monthly
      WHERE dataset='tigge-global'
      GROUP BY username
      HAVING sum(requests) >= 1)

Delivered data volume [TiB]

SELECT to_char(sum(delivered/1024^4), 'FM999,999,999,990')FROM datasets_stats_monthly WHERE datasets_stats_monthly.dataset='tigge-global' and datasets_stats_monthly.month>=date'2006-01-01';

Number of retrieved fields

SELECT to_char(sum(fields),'FM999,999,999,999,999')
FROM  datasets_stats_monthly
WHERE datasets_stats_monthly.dataset='tigge-global' and datasets_stats_monthly.month>=date'2006-01-01';

Number of requests

SELECT to_char(sum(requests), 'FM999,999,999,999,999')
FROM  datasets_stats_monthly
WHERE datasets_stats_monthly.dataset='tigge-global' and datasets_stats_monthly.month>=date'2006-01-01';

Monthly sums

(Monthly statistics are available only since  2015-01-01)

Data volumes

Volume of data retrieved from MARS before post-processing vs volume of data delivered to users after post-processing.

select  to_char(month, 'MM/YYYY') as monthyear, to_char(delivered/1024^4, 'FM999,999,999,990') as "delivered" from datasets_stats_monthly where dataset='tigge-global' and month>=date'2015-01-01' order by month ;
select  to_char(month, 'MM/YYYY') as monthyear, to_char(retrieved/1024^4, 'FM999,999,999,990') as "retrieved" from datasets_stats_monthly where dataset='tigge-global' and month>=date'2015-01-01' order by month

Number of requests

select  to_char(month, 'MM/YYYY') as monthyear, requests as "user requests" from datasets_stats_monthly where dataset='tigge-global' and month>=date'2015-01-01' order by month;

Number of active users

SELECT to_char(month, 'MM/YYYY') as monthyear, count(DISTINCT username) as "active users"
FROM  users_stats_monthly 
WHERE dataset='tigge-global' AND month>=date'2015-01-01' 
AND username IN (
      SELECT username                        
      FROM  users_stats_monthly
      WHERE dataset='tigge-global'
      GROUP BY username
      HAVING sum(requests) >= 1
GROUP BY month
ORDER BY month;

Users per country

SELECT profile_country.name, count(DISTINCT auth_user.username) as total_users
    FROM  profile_country
         RIGHT JOIN profile_profile ON profile_profile.country_id = profile_country.id
         RIGHT JOIN auth_user ON auth_user.id = profile_profile.user_id
         RIGHT JOIN users_stats_monthly ON users_stats_monthly.username = auth_user.username
    WHERE users_stats_monthly.dataset='tigge-global' and users_stats_monthly.month>=date'2006-01-01'
GROUP BY profile_country.name
HAVING count(DISTINCT auth_user.username)>=5
ORDER BY total_users DESC