Name: GEM

The S2S database contains real-time forecasts from ECCC from 1st January 2016, and the associated re-forecasts.

The system was upgraded to GEPS5 on September 20, 2018.

1. Ensemble version

2. Configuration of the EPS

Ocean model:

3. Initial conditions and perturbations

Initialization of land surface

 1. What is the land surface model (LSM) and version used in the forecast model, and what are the current/relevant references for the model? The GEM model a mosaic approach with 4 types: land, water, sea ice and glacier is used. For the land part, a version of the ISBA scheme is used (Noilhan and Planton, 1989; Bélair et al. 2003a and 2003b) to simulate soil variables.

     Are there any significant changes/deviations in the operational version of the LSM from the documentation of the LSM? No.

 2. How is soil moisture initialized in the forecasts? (climatology / realistic / other) ‘Realistic’ in the sense that a pseudo-analysis is done using a correction of the 1.5m temperature and relative humidity. It is an indirect analysis since a comparison between the trial field (6 hour forecast and observations at the screen level) are used to correct the soil moisture and temperature (for more detail see Bélair et al. 2003a and 2003b).

          Is there horizontal and/or vertical interpolation of initialization data onto the forecast model grid? If so, please give original data resolution(s). Yes the fields are generated on the global deterministic prediction system (GDPS) grid (about 25 km) while the global ensemble prediction system (GEPS) is different and coarser (about 50 km). An interpolation is done to the coarser grid after a filter was applied.

           Does the LSM differentiate between liquid and ice content of the soil? Yes

   If so, how are each initialized? Liquid soil moisture (I1) is initialized as explained above. Solid soil moisture (I2) is taken from trial fields.

           If all model soil layers are not initialized in the same way or from the same source, please describe. Same approach is used for all layers only the amplitude of the correction is different.

3. How is snow initialized in the forecasts? (climatology / realistic / other)  ‘Realistic’, the snow depth analyzed following the Brasnett (1999) method.

           Is there horizontal and/or vertical interpolation of data onto the forecast model grid? If so, please give original data resolution(s) Yes the fields are generated on the global deterministic prediction system (GDPS) grid (about 25 km) while the global ensemble prediction system (GEPS) is different and coarser (about 50 km). An interpolation is done to the coarser grid after a filter was applied.

          Are snow mass, snow depth or both initialized? What about snow age, albedo, or other snow properties? The LSM is given the analysed snow depth and it compute the snow mass (prognostic variable) with that.

4. How is soil temperature initialized in the forecasts? (climatology / realistic / other) Realistic: with the pseudo-analysis method of Bélair et al. 2003 a and b like the soil moisture

         Is the soil temperature initialized consistently with soil moisture (frozen soil water where soil temperature ≤0°C) and snow cover (top layer soil temperature ≤0°C under snow)? Yes, some coherency checks are done in the LSM.

         Is there horizontal and/or vertical interpolation of data onto the forecast model grid? If so, please give original data resolution(s) Yes the fields are generated on the global deterministic prediction system (GDPS) grid (about 25 km) while the global ensemble prediction system (GEPS) is different and coarser (about 50 km). An interpolation is done to the coarser grid after a filter was applied.

         If all model soil layers are not initialized in the same way or from the same source, please describe. Not the case.

5. How are time-varying vegetation properties represented in the LSM?  Is phenology predicted by the LSM? If so, how is it initialized? From monthly values form a look-up table interpolated daily following the values of Appendix A of Giard and Bazile (2000) paper.

6. What is the source of soil properties (texture, porosity, conductivity, etc.) used by the LSM? Agriculture Canada for the Canadian region, USDA for the USA and FAO for the rest of the world.

7. If the initialization of the LSM for re-forecasts deviates from the procedure for forecasts, please describe the differences. In the reforecast the land surface scheme was run for 30 years forced with ERA-interim re-analysis fields (screen-level temperature and dew-point as well as precipitation amount) at the resolution of the GEPS (50 km). For more details, see Gagnon et al. 2014 and Lin et al. 2016.

4. Model Uncertainties perturbations

5. Surface Boundary perturbations

6. Other details of the models

7. Re-forecast Configuration

8. References