Registered EFAS users with access to EFAS real-time information can access real-time EFAS hydrological forecasts through the ECMWF's production Data Store (ECPDS). The data (hydrological time series for each ensemble member for the entire EFAS domain) is stored as one grib file per forecast with the naming convention of foreacstdate.grb / YYYYMMDDTT.grb, for example "2019040300.grb" for forecast produced the 3rd of April 2019 using 00UTC meteorological forecast forcing. All forecast time steps (i.e. from day one to day 10) are within the same file for easier access.

The data is restricted to authorised EFAS users and is password protected. User ID is the first part of your email before the '@' address; password will be provided by email after registration to the service. To subscribe, please send a request to

User guide

Before accessing the data, it recommended that you read through the ECPDS documentation ECPDS User Documentation.

Browsing the data

The data can be accessed directly through the web at

After logging in, available data is shown as a list of files in the browser. The data is split into the file with all the forecasts  in one file ("EFAS_forecasts_YYYYMMDDHH.grb") and the simulation forced with observations in a separate file ("EFAS_sfo_YYYYMMDDHH.grb).

Automatic download is done by clicking on a file name. As each file is large due to the amount of archived information they contain, download can be slow. Once downloaded, access to the data can be made directly from the GRIB file, or after conversion as netCDF.

Automatic data transfer

In addition to manual download, an automatic data transfer is also possible, where data is sent to the service subscriber as soon as it is available. If you are interested by such a service, please send an email to