This is a description of GloFAS v3.2. For an overview of other GloFAS releases, please see: GloFAS versioning system


GloFAS version 3.2 was implemented as a minor change to provide access to the Global Flood Monitoring (GFM) beta version through its web interface ( 

The Global Flood Monitoring (GFM) is designed to provide a continuous global, systematic monitoring of flood events, with significantly enhanced timeliness of flood maps for emergency response and improved effectiveness of Rapid Mapping activation requests (through better identification of the area of interest). The beta version contains flood products that are based on an ensemble approach integrating three robust, cutting edge algorithms developed independently by three scientific teams. The data processing architecture underlying the different scientific algorithms is based on the data cube concept, whereby SAR images are geocoded, gridded, and stored as 'analysis-ready data' (ARD) in an existing spatio-temporal SAR data cube. Users have access to consensus flood maps (Observed Flood Extent layer) where a pixel is marked as flooded when at least two algorithms classify it as water.

Here is a summary of the main changes to the GloFAS web service:

 Key specifications of the products

Input satellite data

Satellite sensor

S-1 - Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)

Acquisition mode

Interferometric Wide Swath (IW)

Data product

Level-1 - Ground Range Detected (GRD)

Spatial sampling

20 x 22 m

Global revisit frequency

Europe: ~1-3 days. Rest of the world: ~3-14 days, depending on location

SAR polarization scheme



General product specifics

Pre-release date on GloFAS-IS2021-10-21
Release date on GloFAS-IS2021-10-27

Geographic coverage


Pixel size

20 m


<8 hours after S-1 image acquisition.

Thematic accuracy

Target threshold of >70-80%, based on the Critical Success Index


Additional information on the Global Flood Monitoring (GFM) service can be found in the GFM Product User Manual (GFM PUM) and the Technical Specification - Product Definition Document (GFM PDD). Note: At this stage, both GFM PUM and GFM PDD are subjected to changes.