The August 2022 release of our software provides many new features, improvements and fixes! Note that the packages below are part of a much larger software stack used at ECMWF, and this is part of a release that is synchronised between all these packages.


ecCodes, the heart of GRIB and BUFR handling, brings several new features, improvements and fixes in version 2.27.0:

Please note:
The ecCodes Python 2 interface will be removed in Q1 2023. Users are strongly advised to migrate to Python 3.

Also note that the CMake option ENABLE_AEC is now ON by default. AEC (Adaptive Entropy Coding) provides the WMO GRIB CCSDS compression and decompression of data.
To force the build without it, use -DENABLE_AEC=OFF


Metview 5.17.0 brings a mix of new features, fixes and improvements including:

Metview's Python interface version 1.13.0 brings new features, including:

Metview is built at ECMWF with all the versions of our libraries listed in the table below, and all are included in the The Metview Source Bundle.

The Q Vector used in quasi-geostrophic (QG) theory is now available as function q_vector()

Metview's improved colour editor is available from any icon editor that contains a colour parameter

The software versions of this release are available on all ECMWF computer systems as "new" versions. On our Bologna HPC, they are installed into a single module called ecmwf-toolbox. Versions on conda should be available in the coming days. If you encounter any issues please feel free to use the ECMWF Support Portal.

ecCodes2.27.0Latest news
Metview5.17.0Latest news