201606 - Rainfall - West Virgina (US), see DR http://intra.ecmwf.int/daily/d/dreport/2016/06/27/sc/

201604 - Rainfall - Italy, see file 20160427.20160427_Alessio.pdf

201601 - Snowfall - Turkey, see DR http://intra.ecmwf.int/daily/d/dreport/2016/01/04/sc/

201512 - Convection - US, see DR http://intra.ecmwf.int/daily/d/dreport/2015/12/28/sc/

201908 - Convection - France (31 August), see DR http://intra.ecmwf.int/daily/d/dreport/2015/09/01/sc/

201507 - Convection - Italy, see DR http://intra.ecmwf.int/daily/d/dreport/2015/07/09/sc/

201506 - Rainfall (Convection) - Slovenia, see DR http://intra.ecmwf.int/daily/d/dreport/2015/06/25/sc/

201505 - Heatwave - India, see http://intra.ecmwf.int/daily/d/dreport/2015/05/26/sc/ , http://intra.ecmwf.int/daily/d/dreport/2015/05/27/sc/

201505 - Rainfall -Texas, see DR http://intra.ecmwf.int/daily/d/dreport/2015/05/25/sc/ , http://intra.ecmwf.int/daily/d/dreport/2015/05/26/sc/ , http://intra.ecmwf.int/daily/d/dreport/2015/05/27/sc/

201504 - Rainfall - Australia, see DR http://intra.ecmwf.int/daily/d/dreport/2015/04/23/sc/

201502 - Windstorm - N. Scandinavia 'Ole' see DR http://intra.ecmwf.int/daily/d/dreport/2015/02/09/sc/ and http://intra.ecmwf.int/daily/d/dreport/2015/02/10/sc/

201502 - Snowstorm - U. S 'Linus'

201501 - Windstorm + rainfall - Bulgaria, Turkey (30 Jan - 1 Feb)

201501 - Snowfall - France (18-19 January). Presentation available from MeteoFrance

201501 - Flooding - Mozambique, e-mails via Glofas

201412 - Convection - US, see DR http://intra.ecmwf.int/daily/d/dreport/2014/12/24/sc/

201409 - Rainfall - France (18 Sept), see DR http://intra.ecmwf.int/daily/d/dreport/2014/09/18/sc/

201409 - Tropical Cyclone - Mexico - Odile

201408 - Tropical Cyclone - Japan - Halong

201408 - Windstorm - UK plus Noway - Lena and Bertha

201404 - Convection - Montenegro - see DR http://intra.ecmwf.int/daily/d/dreport/2014/04/15/sc/ and http://intra.ecmwf.int/daily/d/dreport/2014/04/16/sc/

201404 - Rainfall - Argentina - see DR http://intra.ecmwf.int/daily/d/dreport/2014/04/08/sc/ and http://intra.ecmwf.int/daily/d/dreport/2014/04/09/sc/

201404 - Air quality - UK, see DR http://intra.ecmwf.int/daily/d/dreport/2014/04/02 and http://www.copernicus-atmosphere.eu/news/aq_april14/

201402 - Snowfall - Japan, see DR http://intra.ecmwf.int/daily/d/dreport/2014/02/19/sc/

201402 - Air quality - Europe see MACC investigation 20140218 Dust in Italy and Switzerland

201401 - Rainfall - France, see DR http://intra.ecmwf.int/daily/d/dreport/2014/01/20/sc/ and report from Meteo France (attached)