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ECMWF's Public Dataset Service has been providing access to a number of datasets. With the need to consolidate our data-provision infrastructure, this service is being phased out. 

For all datasets listed below, the Public Datasets Service stopped on 1 June 2023.  

The access method for the S2S and TIGGE datasets will be transitioning to a new user interface designed to streamline and improve the data retrieval process. Further details about this change will be communicated as they become available. The currently expected implementation date is  Q3 2024 (please watch this page for further updates).

Whenever possible please switch to the alternative datasets listed in the table below.  

Should datasets become available elsewhere, this page will be updated.  

For any questions please contact us via the ECMWF Support Portal

Datasets unavailable via the Public Dataset Service from 1 June 2023Comment / alternative access

Global Reanalyses

CERA-20C (Jan 1901 - Dec 2010)

ERA-20C (Jan 1900 - Dec 2010)

ERA-Interim (Jan 1979 - Aug 2019)

Users are strongly advised to migrate to ERA5 from the Climate Data Store (CDS)

ERA-Interim/LAND (Jan 1979 - Dec 2010)

Users are strongly advised to migrate to ERA5-Land from the Climate Data Store (CDS)

ERA-20CM (Jan 1900 - Dec 2010) Final

ERA-40 (Sep 1957 - Aug 2002)

CERA-SAT (Jan 2008 - Dec 2016)

Regional Reanalysis


Instead use UERRA from the Climate Data Store (CDS)

Atmospheric composition

MACC Reanalysis (2003-2012)

Instead use CAMS global reanalysis (EAC4) from the Atmosphere Data Store (ADS)

MACC GHG flux inversions (1997 - 2014)

Instead use CAMS global inversion-optimised greenhouse gas fluxes and concentrations from the Atmosphere Data Store (ADS)

Observation Feedback

ERA-20C (Jan 1900 - Dec 2010)

ISPD v2.2

ICOADS v2.5.1 with interpolated NOAA 20CR feedback
