The ECMWF Public Datasets Service is being decommissioned and access to most datasets closed on 1 June 2023. In a final step later this year, access to the remaining multi-model datasets S2S and TIGGE will be migrated to a different system. For more information and possible alternatives, please consult the dedicated page on Decommissioning of ECMWF Public Datasets service.

This service will allow you to access the ECMWF public datasets . You will need to have an account on ECMWF web site. If you don't have an account, please self register here.

The procedure is very simple: the user writes a request, submits it and retrieves a file (grib or netcdf format) including the requested data.


Accessing Forecasts

ECMWF Registration

ECMWF Public Datasets web interface

ECMWF Public Datasets S2S/TIGGE history