Let us now see how our suite ran, type the following:


 ecflow_client --get_state


This command will retrieve the suite definition from the server,and show the status for each node.
Look at the task t1 if it is complete and the suite is complete then the run was successful.
If this is not the case, and you might see aborted.
Please check the location (directory) of your ecf script before referring to your instructor.
The job file created by the server is located in the same directory as the ecf script, and is named t1.job1.
Compare the files t1.ecf, head.h, tail.h and t1.job1.
The output of the job is located in the same directory as the ecf script, and is named t1.1.

Retrieving the suite definition

What to do

  1. Locate the job file and the output file
  2. Check results by retrieving the suite definition from the server