Static Layers


Product name


(established over forecast horizon)


Forecasting horizon

Forecast Model


Administrative Regions

Administrative regions merged using NUTS-2 or NUTS-3 classification from  EUROSTAT  2016 and the region classification from  GADM  to obtain an approximately equally sized administrative regions map for Europe. Note: The designation of Kosovo is without prejudice to positions on status, and it is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.






Layer showing the main river catchments sourced from the CCM dataset.





Country Borders

Layer showing the country borders. Note: The designation of Kosovo is without prejudice to positions on status, and it is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.





EFAS Partner Regions

Layer showing the river basins/administrative regions being EFAS Partners. Colour code indicates the responsible EFAS Dissemination Centre for EFAS warning procedures.

Pink:  Rijkswaterstaat

Blue:  Slovak Hydro-Meteorological Institute

Yellow: Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute





Flood Protection Levels

The level of flood protection is given as the estimated design return period of flood defences, that is, the return period of the maximum flood event which can be bared by the defence measures (e.g. dikes). It is assumed that any flood event above the protection level will cause flooding. The data are sourced from the FLOPROS dataset.

Map based on NUTS administrative regions




LISFLOOD Drainage Network

Drainage network of LISFLOOD model. Rivers are shown as they are represented in the model. Lines show connections between the model's pixels. 

Drainage area (km2)




LISFLOOD Fixed Reporting Points

Location of river gauges on LISFLOOD model drainage network. River gauges are displayed on the model pixel that better represents their real location


Map based on LISFLOOD river network and stations locationNANA


LISFLOOD Reservoirs and Lakes

Location of reservoirs (green) and lakes (purple) on the LISFLOOD model drainage network. Lakes and reservoirs are always centred over LISFLOOD drainage network and are represented using one model pixel.

Map based on LISFLOOD river network and reservoirs and lakes location




Landslide Susceptibility

This European landslide susceptibility map presents the spatial likelihood of landslide occurrence in 5 classes at a 1km raster dataset. Landslide susceptibility is the likelihood of a landslide to occur in an area, controlled by local terrain conditions. Susceptibility does not consider the temporal probability of failure or the magnitude of the expected events. (More information).


Map based on 1-km grid




Major Rivers

Layer showing the major rivers. Static layer showing major rivers at variable widths for each zoom level. River names and smaller rivers can be seen when zoomed in. European rivers vector lines were derived from the CCM dataset. River names were derived from the following sources: EEA, UNESCO, OpenStreetMap, EFAS partners, national cartography.


The following description is part of the pre-operational release of EFAS v5.2, available on EFAS Stage for testing. See Pre-operational release: EFAS v5.2 for details.

Major Rivers layer derived from 4 different datasets: FAO AQUASTAT, EU hydro, Natural Earth, and GRDCFAO AQUASTAT is used as the primary source. In the European domain, vectors were replaced with basins information extracted from EU hydro. Natural Earth or GRDC are used in areas for which neither FAO AQUASTAT nor EU hydro dataset provide information. All the datasets were downloaded in 2023.




National Flood Links

Layer showing the national provider of information. Clicking on the point representing the Region capital will open a pop-up with a list of national information providers and links to their websites.