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#Metview Macro

# **************************** LICENSE START ***********************************
# Copyright 2013 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms
# of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not
# waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as
# an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
# ***************************** LICENSE END ************************************

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tags: ODB,Scatterplot,Binning
# Title: ODB scatterplot with binning
# Description: Demonstrates how to generate a scatterpot from ODB 
#              using binning.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

# ODB MARS retrieval - for AMSUA channel 5 (all satellites)
db = retrieve(
		type	:	"mfb",
		repres	:	"bu",
		obsgroup	:	"amsua",
		time	:	00,
		filter	:	"select an_depar@body,fg_depar@body " &
		            "where vertco_reference_1=5"

# Define binning - with 100 bins both in the horizontal and vertical axes
bin_100 = binning(
		binning_x_count	:	100,
		binning_y_count	:	100

# Define visualiser for scatterplot with binning
bin_plot = odb_visualiser(
		odb_plot_type	:	"xy_binning",
		odb_x_variable	:	"fg_depar@body",
		odb_y_variable	:	"an_depar@body",
		odb_value_variable	:	"",
		#odb_where	:	"vertco_reference_1@body =5 ",
		odb_data	:	db,
		odb_binning	:	bin_100

# Define grid shading - the binned dataset will be defined on a grid
bin_grid_shade = mcont(
		legend	:	"on",
		contour	:	"off",
		contour_min_level	:	1,
		contour_shade_min_level	:	1,
		contour_level_count	:	20,
		contour_shade	:	"on",
		contour_shade_technique	:	"grid_shading",
		contour_shade_method	:	"area_fill",
		contour_shade_max_level_colour	:	"red",
		contour_shade_min_level_colour	:	"blue",
		contour_shade_colour_direction	:	"clockwise"

# Define title
title = mtext(
		text_line_count	:	1,
		text_line_1	:	"Sensor: AMSU-A  Channel: 5 Param: Tb [K]"

# Define horizontal axis
hor_axis = maxis(
		axis_position	:	"left",
		axis_title_text	:	"fg_depar (K)",
		axis_tick_interval	:	0.5,
		axis_minor_tick	:	"on",
		axis_minor_tick_count	:	4,
		axis_grid	:	"on",
		axis_grid_colour	:	"black",
		axis_grid_line_style	:	"dot"

# Define vertical axis 
ver_axis = maxis(
		axis_orientation	:	"vertical",
		axis_title_text	:	"an_depar (K)",
		axis_tick_interval	:	0.5,
		axis_minor_tick	:	"on",
		axis_minor_tick_count	:	4,
		axis_grid	:	"on",
		axis_grid_colour	:	"black",
		axis_grid_line_style	:	"dot"

# Define Catresian view
scatter_view = cartesianview(
		x_min	:	-1,
		x_max	:	1,
		y_min	:	-1,
		y_max	:	1,
		subpage_y_position	:	12.5,
		subpage_y_length	:	75,
		horizontal_axis	:	hor_axis,
		vertical_axis	:	ver_axis

# Define the output media
to_psfile = ps_output
    output_name : "plot" # extension is added automatically

# Check the runmode and decide which media to putput the plot to
mode = runmode()
if       (mode = "execute")    then setoutput(to_psfile)
else if  (mode = "batch")      then setoutput(to_psfile)
else     print('screen')
end if

# Plot

  • No labels