

  • WMO:

    • Nir Stav, Director, WMO Infrastructure Department

    • Albert Fisher, Deputy Director Infrastructure Dept, &  Director for the WIGOS

    • Peiliang Shi, Deputy Director Infrastructure Dept, &  Director for the WIS
    • Natalia Donoho, Head, WMO Space Systems & Utilization

    • Gianpaolo Balsamo, G3W Director

    • Bin Qu (meeting at the end) G3W Team 

  • CMA
    • Mr CAO Xiaozhong, Deputy Administrator of CMA
    • Dr FANG Xiang, Director of the Integrated Observation Department, CMA
    • Dr WANG Jinsong, Director-General of the National Satellite Meteorological Center (NSMC)
    • Ms JIA Zhihong, Department of Integrated Observation
    • Mr XU Wanzhi, Department of International Cooperation
    • Mr XIAN Di, Director of the S&T and the International Cooperation Office, NSMC/CMA


  • CMA-WMO Bilat 

Discussion items


WMO CMA Bilateral preparation

Nir, Nat, Alb, Peiliang


WMO-CMA CM-15 Side Meeting


DATE/TIME:           5 February 2024 13:00

LOCATION:             Nir’s office, WMO, Geneva, Switzerland

INITIATOR:             CMA

PURPOSE:  To build relationship with China Meteorological Administration (CMA). This is an introductory chat with CMA leadership.


  • Today’s meeting is a meet-and-greet meeting. A delegation from China Meteorological Administration (CMA) requested the meeting.
  • We appreciate CMA’s support of WMO’s priority areas and initiatives.
  • We are looking forward to the 15th High Level Consultative Meeting on Satellite Matters tomorrow and Wednesday - it’s been awhile since we gathered WMO leadership and the space agency leadership together to discuss strategic issues of mutual importance.
  • Some restrictions on ingesting satellite data in some countries, due to IT-reqs, so not all space-based EO available as per Resolution. 


  • China Meteorological Administration (CMA) is the national weather service for the People's Republic of China. CMA’s National Satellite Meteorological Center (NSMC) develops plans for Chinese meteorological satellites, operates the meteorological satellite application systems and the meteorological satellites in orbits, and develops meteorological satellite application systems, among other duties.
  • CMA delegation proposed several discussion topics:
    • Investigate emerging measurement technologies within WIGOS, such as Global Navigation Satellite System, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Observation Tests, and GCOS Surface Reference Network (GSRN).
    • Support the establishment of standards and best practices for various measurement types through bilateral or multilateral cooperation, enhancing training and experience sharing.
    • Improve the utilization of satellite data and products with support from the space agencies.
    • Support WMO initiatives and foster collaboration.
  • China supports for WMO's capacity-building efforts. CMA hosted the 3rd FENGYUN satellite user conference in Xiamen, Fujian Province, China on 13-15 November 2023 to implement commitments to strengthen international applications and services of FY meteorological satellites, as well as support Belt and Road initiatives, and has collaborated closely with various stakeholders, including WMO.
  • China has successfully launched 21 FY meteorological satellites. Currently, there are 9 satellites in orbit. The Chinese meteorological satellites FENGYUN, or FY in acronym, are arranged in series. The odd number series is the polar-orbiting satellite series, and the even number series is the geostationary ones.

  • In 2023, China has successfully launched two FY satellites, FY-3F and FY-3G- China's first precipitation measurement satellite. China is now the only country in the world operating four LEO orbit satellites in early-morning, mid-morning and afternoon orbits, and one precipitation measurement satellite in drifting orbit.
  • China provides timely and efficient observation of extreme weather, climate and environmental events regionally and globally by operating both geostationary and polar-orbiting meteorological satellites. The Emergency Support Mechanism of FENGYUN (FY) Satellite (FY ESM) was launched in 2018.
  • CMA does not contribute to the WMO Space Programme Trust Fund (only EUMETSAT does); however, they provide Junior Professional Officer (JPO).

CMA-WMO Bilateral with:

Mr CAO Xiaozhong,

Deputy Administrator of CMA

Mr CAO Intro
  • 9 Satellites in orbit
  • Support National NWP
  • WMO EW4All 
  • (WMO G3W)
  • L-band

Dr. WANG JinSong 

Director-General of National Satellite Meteorological Center (National Center for Space Weather), CMA

  • G3W Satellite coverage
  • Cutting edge technology PPP
  • WIGOS 2040 vision (Albert)
  • CGMS contributions

Dr. JIA Zhihong 

Director of Remote Sensing Division (Satellite Division), Department of Integrated Observations, CMA

  • WIS2 
  • EW4All
  • FENGYUN Conference was success - thanks to the Lecture by Nat

Mr. XIAN Di 
Director of S&T and International Cooperation Office, NSMC (NCSW), CMA

Served as the head of the International Remote Sensing Service Department

  • G3W Event at Shanghai University in November 2024?
  • Action: Write an email to XIAN Di

Action items

  • Gp to write to Xian Di about Shanghai Event in Nov 2024 by  
  • Bin to mention good support from CMA colleagues to G3W IP