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Alyaari A., J.-P. Wigneron, A. Ducharne, Y. Kerr, A. Al Bitar, R. de Jeu, A. Govind, P. de Rosnay, C. Albergel, J. Muñoz-Sabater, "Performances of SMOS and AMSR-E soil moisture retrievals against land data assimilation system estimates", proceedings of the 13th Specialist Meeting On Microwave Radiometry And Remote Sensing Of The Environment, MRD - MR141226, 2014


de Rosnay P., G Balsamo, J Muñoz Sabater, C Albergel and L Isaksen.,: "Land surface data assimilation", Proceeding of the ECMWF Seminar on Data Assimilation for atmosphere and ocean, 6-9 September 2011, published in 2012.


Baup F., Mougin E., de Rosnay P., Hiernaux P., Frappart F., Frison P.-L. and Zribi M., :Upscaling of EVISAT-ASAR soil moisture products over the Mali mesoscale window: AMMA experiement. Proceeding of the Earth Observation and Water Cycle Science Towards a Water Cycle Multi-mission Observation Strategy ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, 18-20 November 2009

de Rosnay P., Drusch M., Balsamo G., Beljaars A., Isaksen L., Vasiljevic D., Albergel C., Scipal K., : Advances in land data assimilation at ECMWF, proceeding of the ECMWF/GLASS Workshop on Land Surface, Reading, UK, 8pp, 9-12 November 2009

de Rosnay P., Drusch M., Balsamo G., Beljaars A., Isaksen L., Vasiljevic D., Albergel C., Scipal K., : Advances in land data assimilation at ECMWF, proceeding of the ESF Workshop on Improved Quantitative Fire Description, Farnham UK, 14-16 September 2009

Muñoz Sabater J., Fouilloux A., de Rosnay P.: Implementation of SMOS data monitoring in the ECMWF Integrated Forecast System, proceeding of the ECMWF/GLASS Workshop on Land Surface, Reading, UK, 8pp, 9-12 November 2009


de Rosnay P., M. Drusch, J.-P. Wigneron, T. Holmes, G. Balsamo, A. Boone, C. Rüdiger, J.-C. Calvet, Y. Kerr, IGARRS IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, pp563-566, 978-1-4244-2808-3/08, Boston, 6-11 July 2008 "Soil Moisture Remote Sensing for Numerical Weather Prediction: L-band and C-band Emission Modeling over Land Surfaces, the Community Microwave Emission Model (CMEM)"


Boone, A. and de Rosnay, P., IAHS proceeding, Perugia, Italy, 2-13 July 2007, “AMMA multi-scale resolution forcing data for a better understanding of the West-African Monsoon surface-atmosphere-hydrology interactions “

Drusch, M., Scipal, K., Andersson, E., Balsamo, G., de Rosnay, P., “Use of satellite data for land surface assimilation”, Proceeding of the ECMWF Seminar on Recent Developments in the Use of Satellite Observations in Numerical Weather Prediction, 3-7, Sept 2007

Saleh, K., Kerr Y.H., Boulet G., Maisongrande P., de Rosnay P., Floricioiu D., Escorihuela M.J., Wigneron J.-P., Cano A., Lopez-Baeza E., Grant J.P., Balling J., Skou N., Berger M., Delwart S., Wursteisen P., Panciera R., Walker J.P., Proceeding of IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote sens. Symp. (IGARSS'07), 23-27 July, Barcelona, Spain, 2007, “ The CoSMOS L-band experiment in Southeast Australia”

Saleh, K., Wigneron, J.-P., de Rosnay, P., Escorihuela, M.J., Kerr, Y. Calvet, J.-C., Schwank, M., Waldteufel,P., Proceeding of IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote sens. Symp. (IGARSS'07), 23-27 July, Barcelona, Spain, 2007, “ “Estimates of surface soil moisture in prairies using L-band passive microwaves

Schmugge, T., Ogawa, K., de Rosnay, P., Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring and Change Detection (Proceedings of Symposium HS3007 at IUGG2007, Perugia, July 2007). IAHS Publ. 316, 2007, “Satellite observations of the land surface emissivity in the 8–12 μm window: effect of soil moisture”

Walker J.P., E. Botha, G. Boulet, J. Balling, M. Bell, A. Berg, M. Berger, D. Biasoni, Y. Chen, E. Christen, R. deJeu, P. deRosnay, C. Dever, C. Draper, J. Fenollar, C. Gomez, J. Grant, J. Hacker, M. Hafeez, G. Hancock, D. Hansen, L. Holz, J. Hornbuckle, R. Hurkmans, T. Jackson, J. Johanson, P. Jones, S. Jones, J. Kalma, Y. Kerr, E. Kim, V. Kuzmin, V. Lakshmi, E. Lopez, V. Maggioni, P. Maisongrande, C. Martinez, L. McKee, O. Merlin,I. Mladenova, P. O'Neill, R. Panciera, V. Paruscio, R. Pipunic, W. Rawls, M. Rinaldi, C. Rudiger, P. Saco, K. Saleh, S. Savstrup-Kristensen, V. Shoemark, N. Skou, S. Soebjaerg, G. Summerell, R. Teuling, H. Thompson, M. Thyer, J. Toyra, A. Tsang, T. Wells, P. Wursteisen and R. Young, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM), University of Canterbury, New Zealand, 10-13 December 2007, “The National Airborne Field Experiment Data Sets“


Wigneron J.-P., Y. Kerr, P. Waldteufel, P. Ferrazzoli, P. Richaume, K. Saleh , J-C Calvet, A. Chanzy, F. Demontoux, P. de Rosnay, M-J Escorihuela, J. Fenollar, J. P. Grant, R. Gurney, B. Hornbuckle, A. Kruszewski, E. Lopez-Baeza, C. Mätzler, T. Pellarin, G. Ruffié, M. Schwank, A. Van de Griend, A. Mahmoodi, S. Delwart Recent Advances in modelling the land surface emission at L-band - Application to L-MEB in the operational SMOS algorithm, 2nd International Symposium Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, 2006

Maisongrande P. , A. Lobo, P. Lattes, B. Duchemin, P. Gouaux, P. de Rosnay, E. Ceschia and G. Dedieu “Multiresolution caracterisation of the vegetation water stress on the basis of ShortWave Vegetation Indices” 2nd International Symposium Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, 2006


Calvet J.-C., Vogt V., Wigneron J.-P., Prigent C., de Rosnay P., Kerr Y., "Mesure du contenu en eau des sols dans le réseau météorologique : le projet smosmania" Ateliers d'Expérimentation et Instrumentation (AEI 2005), INSU, Météo-France, Ifremer, Toulouse 8-9 Février 2005

de Rosnay P., Kerr Y., Wigneron J.-P., Calvet J.-C., Escorihuela M.J., Saleh K., Muñoz Sabater J., Lemaître F., Fritz N.E.D. "SMOSREX: A Long Term Field Campaign Experiment for Soil Moisture and Land Surface Processes Remote Sensing" Ateliers d'Expérimentation et Instrumentation (AEI 2005), INSU, Météo-France, Ifremer, Toulouse 8-9 Février 2005


de Rosnay P., Kerr Y., Calvet J.-C., Lemaître F., Escorihuela M.J., Wigneron J.-P., "Télédétection de l'humidité des sols. Présentation de l'expérience SMOSREX" Ateliers d'Expérimentation et Instrumentation (AEI 2004), INSU, Météo-France, Ifremer, Paris 23-24 mars 2004

Muñoz Sabater J., Calvet J.-C., de Rosnay P., "On the assimilation of multispectral remote sensing data in a SVAT model" Proceeding of IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote sens. Symp. (IGARSS'04), 20-24 Sept, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 2004

Saleh K., Wigneron J.-P., Calvet J.-C., de Rosnay P., Escorihuela M.J., Kerr Y., Waldteufel P., "An investigation on statistical methods to estimate soil moisture from L-band radiometry: Application to the SMOSREX experiment over a fallow site" Proceeding of IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote sens. Symp. (IGARSS'04), 20-24 Sept, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 2004


de Rosnay P., Polcher J., "A parameterization of subgrid-scale variability of hydrology linked to vegetation: a multicolumn hydrological soil model." Second International Scientific Conference on the Global Energy and Water cycle EXperiment. Pages 449-450, Washington, USA, 1996

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